Freitag, 21. Februar 2003

News Blogging: Fire breaks out in New York oil plant. Not much up yet - bbc and cnn have sketchy details.   

Plugging in to Eclipse: We now offer a 2 day workshop called Plugging in to Eclipse. Martin introduces you to the Eclipse platform and will teach you how to write your own cutting edge plugins. As my man Biz would say - "Martin knows things".   

Movie weblog: Helen Jane is writing a weblog on the filming of the Hollywood movie "I love your work". (via Schockwellenreiter)   

AOL gets a lot of mail: This report on Heise-Online describes how AOL gets around a billion spam emails - a day. Wow that is an huge number - per day? According to AOL they are able to block 780 million. That still leaves...umm.....a lot.   

Life in the West Wing: If you follow the series - then check this interesting information out. The original. And I promise to blog less about WW now. Promised. Well...maybe....   

NewsGator: Jon Udell gives NewsGator a write-up. I am using this neat Outlook plugin on a regular basis and it's great. A few extra functions would be nice to have (next unread, post to weblog) - but all in all I'm sold. (That's on my Windows laptop at work).