Mittwoch, 12. Februar 2003

The end of the universe: I finished reading The salmon of doubt today. I put off buying and reading the book until a couple of weeks ago - because I thought it would be a very final experience. It was. I have all DNA's books (some in first-printing, many in German and English). I have a signed letter from him from way back when and managed to see him speak at JavaOne back in 1999. So that's it now. Nothing left to read. Ever.


Well put: Ben has written some good stuff on the Iraq crisis - and let's face it - it is a crisis.

It's not the heroics suggested by the Washington monument, but the crushed, burnt bodies and screaming destruction of massive bombing. If you want to know why the French, the Germans, and the Russians don't want to fight just yet, walk down their streets.

And you know what - I don't even care if they are trying to cover up what companies may or may not have been delivering to Iraq. That's a problem we have courts to solve - not bombs.   

Donation: Mum finds someone willing to take her money.