AppleScript Info

May 2002
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contact: rob at

 Tuesday, May 28, 2002
Macworld UK: AppleScript Clinic Planned

- "Apple Solution Expert Tecsoft is hosting a two-day introductory Workflow Automation with AppleScript class from May 29 to 31 at Apple UK's headquarters in Uxbridge, Middlesex."
7:54:27 PM    

Snak v4.8.4

- Snak is a scriptable program that will let you participate in discussions in Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels. Changes include: AppleScripts now have full access to the DCC list and can be notified via event handlers when a DCC request comes in, is opened or closed. Event handler names in AppleScripts are now case insensitive.
7:13:00 PM    

WhatiTuneX v0.9

- WhatiTuneX pastes the name of the currently playing iTunes song with a keystroke. This background application listens for the hotkey combination ctrl + cmd + v, and uses AppleScript to extract iTunes information and place it on the clipboard. It then sends a global paste command that tells the current application to paste said clipboard data. [d/l] []
6:05:09 PM    

unScripted: AppleScript Pro Sessions 2002 in Monterey, California

- In addition to making presentations and representing at the sessions, T.J. was an attendee for the entire week and has compiled his notes, collected all the photographs he could find, and presents a insider's review of the AppleScript Pro Sessions. []
5:58:40 PM    

O'Reilly Mac OS X Conference: Call for Participation

- Individuals and companies interested in making presentations, giving a tutorial, or participating in panel discussions are invited to submit proposals, which are due by June 14, 2002. AppleScript is among the many topics which will be considered. [Mac Net Journal]
4:58:50 PM    

MacCentral: 'Advanced FileMaker Pro 5.5' book released

- 'The third book, "Advanced FileMaker Integrated Applications" (ISBN: 1-55622-861-9), will cover a variety of methods for integrating FileMaker with other technologies, including ODBC, Visual Basic, AppleScript, Microsoft Terminal Server, and other Macromedia technologies including Macromedia Flash MX.'
3:15:55 PM    

Synchronize! X Pro v1.2.1

- Synchronize! X Pro makes bootable OS X system backups & syncs files. It supports AppleScript initiation of backup/sync. [Version history]
2:52:57 PM    

ScriptBuilders News

- ScriptBuilders count hits 800!

New: Termici 1.0, Updates: Cronathon v1.2, Friendlier Claris It! for Entourage 1.5.2, Drop 'n Mail 1.3
2:05:31 PM    

Barcode Automator 1.0

- Intelli Innovations, Inc. today released Barcode Automator 1.0, a barcoding suite specifically designed for bulk generation and AppleScript automation. Barcode Automator supports 9 different symbologies, includes vectorized EPS and TIFF export capabilities, and comes bundled with OCR typography.
1:31:15 PM    

HAlarmX v1.0

- HAlarmX is an alarm monitor for tcp/ip (ping and port test), disk (file size change, file exists,number of files in folder) and system issues (execute unix command). You can add multiple alarms with mail alerts, scheduling options and commands to do (launch app, document, URL or unix command) when the alarm activates.
11:03:34 AM    

Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes: Two new scripts

- Make A Bunch Random let's you select a bunch of playlists whose tracks are then copied to a new playlist, shuffled, and played. Super Remove Dead Tracks surveys your entire Library for what we call "dead" tracks -- the one's whose files have abandoned them and left a "!" next to each one -- and removes them from every playlist. Deletes the playlist, too, if it is subsequently left empty. [MacInTouch]
9:43:44 AM    

cd2me v1.0

- cd2me is an open source AppleScript that opens a directory in the Terminal from the Finder's toolbar.
9:14:38 AM    

Kung-Tunes v1.3.4

- Kung-Tunes retrieves the currently playing iTunes track and uploads it to a web server. Version changes: Passwords with special characters are now handled properly.
1:29:10 AM