AppleScript Info

September 2002
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contact: rob at

 Wednesday, September 11, 2002
iCal Birthday Shifter 1.0

- iCal Birthday Shifter creates new events in iCal for birthdays defined in Address Book. Automatically adds birthdays to a selected iCal calendar, and sets the event to recur yearly. Full source code is included. [d/l] []
9:55:12 PM    

starTime 1.5

- starTime, formerly OnTime, is an easy to use reminder application that allows users to create reminders that will play sounds, run macros, or run applications when they come due. It also includes powerful recurrence options (such as 'third Thursday of the month'). This version introduces many new features and improvements, including the ability to run shell scripts, an overhauled interface, the capability to skip reminders, and much more.
3:55:45 PM    

Folder Actions in Jaguar

- Apple’s docs explain how to write Folder Actions scripts. []
2:26:41 PM    

SimpleText Compiler 0.2b

- SimpleText Compiler is a text processing tool that takes ordinary text files as input and creates correctly formatted SimpleText files. Changes include: Factored the application to be scriptable and recordable under AppleScript, currently supporting the "open app", "open doc" (i.e. compile) and "quit" Apple Events.
2:13:29 PM    

SpamSieve 1.0

- SpamSieve, with the help of AppleScript, brings powerful Bayesian spam filtering to Mailsmith and Entourage. It not only learns what your spam looks, it learns what your good email looks like too. [MacInTouch]
2:02:18 PM    

ScriptBuilders News

- New: MacHTTP Config Maker 0.0.9b2, iCaltourage
1:44:34 PM    

Illustrator 10 scripting guide updated

- Leon Brown, Product Manager for Adobe Illustrator, announces the availability of a updated scripting guide for Illustrator 10. In his announcement to the applescript-users mailing list, he says "Following a lot of good feedback from AppleScript developers working with Adobe Illustrator 10, we have released an update to our scripting guide. This update tries to address a number of inconsistencies that were found following shipment of our product. Illustrator 10 allows access to a large portion of its functionality making it a superior tool for programmatically authoring graphically rich documents."
12:31:06 PM    

Reflecting - Remembering - Renewing

On September 11, 2001, I was working 30 miles away from my Ohio home when I first heard of the mayhem in New York City. The first tower had been struck and 'terrorism' was still something that happened only in other parts of the world. When the second tower was struck, I rushed back to my home town, closer to home, my comfort zone, feeling somewhat confused and sickened, finally realizing, along with everyone else, that something terrible was happening.

I plan to spend this day, September 11, 2002, reflecting on what happened one year ago, on what has happened since that day, and on what it has cost all of us in terms of freedom and security. I'll also remember those who lost their lives, and those who sprung into action to help. And the military, and the government, and...

Wow! It's all coming back to me now. September 11, 2001, and the weeks that followed, triggered many different emotions, probably more emotions than any single incident in my life. I wanted to cradle one group of strangers in my arms, to offer comfort, while wanting to lash out at, and kill, another group of strangers, unleashing the hate that had suddenly sprung up inside of me. It's truly a time to remember, for many reasons, and a time to renew feelings of a time gone by, what I perceive as a better time, or more affectionately, the good ol' days. It's also time to live tomorrow's good ol' days. If you haven't started, I hope you'll join me.

Be well.

-- Rob

4:16:51 AM