Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:53:11 PM.



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Friday, September 3, 2004

- The country is full of RINOs - Republicans In Name Only, By Michael Moore, USA Today
- Bush Wants To Be Your Shrink, Intervention Magazine
- BOTTOM LINE:  Why Vote for Kerry? by Gregory A. Wood & Taigen Dan Leighton


What can I do-only one-
When such great tasks need to be done?
Right wrestles wrong upon the brink-
What can I do?      I can think.

What can I do-only I?
War clouds hang heavy in the sky;
So grave the problems of today-
What can I do?        I can pray.

What can I do-just one vote?
Can strength lie in so weak a note?
Yet--one voice shouting from a peak
Will carry far- And      I can speak.

- - Helen Lowrie Marshall,  (Dare To Be Happy, 1962)

KNOW YOUR HISTORY - September 3rd
-- President Lyndon Johnson signed the Wilderness Act and designated 9 million acres as an area "where the Earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain." In 1999 the act sheltered over 100 million acres. Conservationists stopped a dam in Echo Park in Dinosaur National Monument and persuaded Congress to pass the Wilderness Act to provide permanent protection to wilderness areas.

What's all this I'm hearing about Rhinos at the Republican Convention? Wasn't me!
On Tuesday, Michael Moore wrote in USA Today that there are Repubs who...

don't want America to be the world's police officer and prefer peace to war. They applaud civil rights, believe all Americans should have health insurance and think assault weapons should be banned. Though they may personally oppose abortion, they usually don't think the government has the right to tell a women what to do with her body. There's a name for these Republicans: RINOs or Republican In Name Only"

Rhino thinks this could get confusing, especially if these RINOS decide to get a blog going.
Whadda ya think they'll be calling it?

The GOP doesn't reflect America
 In fact, the country is full of RINOs - Republicans In Name Only
By Michael Moore, USA Today, 8/31/04
AT: http://www.usatoday.com/printedition/news/20040831/oplede31.art.htm

Today I offer 16 solid  reasons to vote for John Kerry & John Edwards.
The first reason  is described in the article below from Intervention Magazine.  It concerns what the Bush 2 Coup has deemed, "The New Freedom Initiative"  wherein, the U.S. Government seeks to test all Americans, school kids 1st, for "disruptive behaviors and emotional disorders" and then initiate drug regimens, eventually using  "emerging treatments" like a capsule implanted within the body that delivers doses of medication without the patient having to swallow pills or take injections."

Line up kids. This won't hurt a bit. (Cue the Twilight Zone music)

Bush Wants To Be Your Shrink
Now Bush Wants to Test Every American for Mental Illness--Including you!
And guess who will create the tests?
By Jordanne Graham, Intervention Magazine, August 8, 2004
AT: http://tinyurl.com/4dm9k

The other 15 reasons to vote for John Kerry were created by a couple of politically progressive Americans who struggle trying to convince their progressive friends & relatives not to vote for Ralph Nader.  Sound familiar?  Rhino thinks they' make a lot of sense while staying concise.  Since it hasn't been published as yet on the web, I hereby post it in full.

8:46:00 AM    comment

Why Vote for Kerry?
Gregory A. Wood & Taigen Dan Leighton

1. During the Bush Administration, there has been unprecedented fraud and corruption that has moved the country from a balanced budget to its greatest debt level in history.  This will affect social services, social security, environmental protection, education, and medical practices for generations to come.

2. The Bush Administration is more secretive and lacking in democratic transparency than any administration in modern history.

3. The Bush Administration has lied more and lied more blatantly about the effect and intent of its own policies than any other Administration in modern history.  Bush, at best, was asleep to warnings of the impending 9/11 tragedy, and thereafter he stonewalled its investigation.  The Bush Administration lied about the reasons for invading Iraq, and violated international and domestic law to do so.

4. There has been a deliberate and concerted attack against civil liberties, the Balance of Powers and Rule of Law.  Bush Administration policies have introduced measures that have not been new law so much as the erosion of law.  This has amounted to attacks on the Constitution itself in its very foundations and upon the American people in their most fundamental Rights as citizens. Privacy, Due Process Rights and equal protection of law are all affected.  John Ashcroft, the misnamed "Patriot Act" and "Homeland Security" measures have undermined American Rights in ways the public has not even begun to imagine collectively.

5. It has now been well established by Seymour Hersh, The Wall Street Journal, and the International Red Cross, among many reports, that torture was investigated planned and approved by the Bush Administration in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay. Torture, bare in mind, is the ultimate expression of the corruption of power.  Rationalizations of torture in public -- also planned by Bush and his propagandists -- pervert the very notions of civil behavior, law, and government responsibility.

6. Nader's campaign and his presence on the ballot in many states has been very highly financed by Republicans and specific Bush operatives.  Nader's presence in the election confuses theory and practice, substituting credible ideology for devastating real consequences.  Should Bush be re-elected something near martial law will be the result.  Kerry, certainly, does not represent that.

 7. Just on the effect of the Supreme Court for the next 2-3 decades, the next president will appoint at least 3 new Supreme Court Justices, including probably the Chief Justice.  Bush will appoint more right-wing anti-Constitutional ideologues opposed to women's rights, environmental protection, and corporate regulation. Kerry will appoint respectable liberal justices.

8. John Kerry's promise to shut down the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump, condemned as unsafe by scientific studies, is reason in and of itself to strongly work for Kerry over Bush, who promotes massive government subsidies to the nuclear energy industry, and development of "usable" nuclear weapons.  Kerry also says he will oppose any central nuclear waste dump until we get scientific opinions on the best available approach to nuclear waste safety.  Bush and company disdains all science.

9. John Kerry has an overall excellent record on the environment. Bush, as fast as he can, often secretly, has been handing over public lands to oil drilling, and logging, mining, and grazing corporations. He has plans to set up oil drilling up and down the California coast.

10. The Bush government denies the scientific reality of global warming and has actively distorted or suppressed scientific fact to suit its political purposes and influence pedaling.

11. Kerry was the only Senator to work to expose the Iran-Contra scam.

12. Kerry opposes the Death Penalty.  Bush bragged about his Texas executions as Governor, and continues sponsoring mass killings of civilians in Iraq, and death of American soldiers in Iraq.

13. Bush will make his massive tax cuts for billionaires permanent.  Kerry will repeal them immediately.

14. The Bush War in Iraq is using radioactive weapons. These appalling weapons are polluting the Iraqi ecosystem, it people and American soldiers alike with the most grotesque consequences for all.  So called "Depleted" Uranium munitions, in fact, produce active and deadly uranium contamination that is like a radioactive plague effecting soldiers, their wives and children, for the rest of their lives.  The consequences are so severe and far reaching that this may very well be the most cynical and shortsighted policy in the history of government.

15. All in all, the Bush government cannot be called an "American" government in any real sense.  It is, in fact and in deed, the most anti-American, anti-democratic and divisive government in American History.

VOTE FOR KERRY.  Appeal to friends.  REGISTER VOTERS if you can.
Your vote may be the last best chance to preserve and protect American liberty and democracy.

"RHINO'S BLOG" is the responsibility of Gary Rhine. (rhino@kifaru.com)
Feedback, and requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged.


Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of international copyright law.
All copyrights belong to original publisher.

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8:00:06 AM    comment

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