Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:53:42 PM.



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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Help Rhino Help ACT (Americans Coming Together)
With over 1500 paid canvassers knocking on doors in battleground states since February, ACT has built the largest voter mobilization effort in history. Please join Rhino in supporting America Coming Together.
Rhino sez, "Visit swing states to canvass & register voters, or...
Please contribute financially to their efforts AT: http://acthere.com/seeUser.php?memberIDI95

"Those who worked with George... recall that he liked to drink beer and Jim Beam whiskey, and to eat fistfuls of peanuts, and Executive burgers, at the Cloverdale grill in Birmingham... [he] tended to show up late every day at work, "around noon," come into the office, prop his cowboy boots on a desk and start bragging about how much he had drunk the night before."
- - From Kitty Kelley's new book, "The Family"

September 18th, 1917
-- Aldous Huxley, 23, is hired as a schoolmaster at Eton, where he counts among his unruly pupils Eric Arthur Blair (George Orwell).  Huxley wrote "Brave New World", which warned of a mindless, materialistic existence a modernized society could produce. In the 'Foreword' of the 1946 edition, he said he believed that only through radical decentralization & a politics that was "Kropotkinesque & cooperative" could the dangers of modern society be escaped.

September 19th, 1776 -- US President George Washington's farewell address. He strongly warns against permanent alliances with foreign powers, large public debts, large military establishment & devices of any "small, artful, enterprising minority" to control or change the government. Had he met the Bush's?

THE CARTOON: Dubya's Commandments

THE GAME: Build A Better Bush

Drew Barrymore  has a new documentary, her directorial debut, entitled, "The Best Place to Start", which investigates the issue of youth apathy toward politics.  It's scheduled to be broadcast on MTV on September 21st.  Barrymore's 44-minute documentary follows her personal initiation into politics as a vehicle for examining the problem of low voter turnout among young people. Rhino sez, "You go girl!"

Drew Barrymore Votes, and Says You Should Too
drewfan.com, 9/13/04

Speaking of documentaries, you may want to go see the scariest horror film of the year starring George
W. Bush
and Karl Rove. "Bush's Brain", is an explosive new doc that intros America to Karl Rove, the man known as Bush's Brain, and likely, the most powerful political figure America has barely heard of. The film chronicles the history of the Karl Rove-George Bush relationship and reveals Rove to be the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain, the man who is pulling the strings in the current White House. Learn who's really behind the Swift Boat Veterans' ads. It's in selected theatres across the country. You can see review blurbs, the list of theatres now playing it and other features related to the doc at:

"Bush's Brain" - The Movie

Parodying off Defense Secretary Donald "Rummie" Rumsfeld's recent mis-statements, here's a piece from this weeks Internet Weekly Report.

Rumsfeld Admits He Was Brainwashed About 9/11
Internet Weekly Report, 9/16/04
WASHINGTON (IWR News Parody) - After making several factual mistakes, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld admitted yesterday that he must have been brainwashed about 9/11 and the Saddam Hussein connection after all.   "I must have been friggin' hypnotized or something.  I can't recall anymore. Did the President say Saddam was responsible for 9/11, or was it Osama, or was it that damn Korean guy with the bad haircut and Elton John sunglasses for crying out loud? All I can remember are these ugly old ladies in the Rose Garden telling me that Saddam was Osama, Afghanistan was Iraq, War is Peace, and Freedom is Slavery.   It's like a recurring nightmare to me, mainly because, the woman in charge of everything looked liked Richard Perle in drag.  Gag me with spoon of anthrax if you know what I mean," said a distraught Rumsfeld.
POSTED WITH A PHOTO AT: http://www.internetweekly.org/2004/09/cartoon_rumsfeld_brainwashed.html

Here's a wry piece comparing the pop musicians who support Kerry vs. those who support the shrub.

Musicians Take Sides
By Jason Bracelin, Cleveland Scene, September 15, 2004
In one of the most heated election cycles in decades, Americans are focusing on the economy, the war in Iraq and health care to determine their vote for President. How quaint. And so, like, West Wing. We've taken it upon ourselves to shed some light on what really matters when you punch your ballot: namely, which celebrity musicians are supporting which candidate. Forget veterans' benefits or prescription-drug plans; we wanna know who Kid Rock's voting for (Bush), and we'll make our decision accordingly. Here's a peek at who's backing whom. Choose or lose, dudes.

Kerry's Crew
Bruce Springsteen
- When the Boss enters partisan politics for the first time, after 25 years of stumping for the working class without specific appeals to the left or right, you have to pay attention. Especially when you consider the lack of hyperbole with which he's doing it. "I think it's important to speak in a measured voice," Springsteen told the Los Angeles Times recently, about his decision to participate in a series of concerts for the Democrat-leaning America Coming Together. "We want respect for the office of the presidency. We don't want to be Bush bashers. We are Bush questioners."... (THERE'S MORE- CLICK THE LINK BELOW)

Bush Backers
Jessica Simpson
- A pop star who thinks buffalos have wings seems like an auspicious match for a President who thinks Africa is a country. Simpson, who has voiced support for her fellow Texan in recent months, could lose a debate to a tire iron. During a spring tour of the White House, she was awed by Interior Secretary Gale Norton. "You've done a nice job decorating the White House," Simpson gasped...
MORE AT: http://www.alternet.org/election04/19891

Last but not least is a review of Kitty Kelly's new "tell lots" book about the Bush Family which includes infamous moments like when the shrub & his brother snorted coke at Camp David during George 1's Presidency. Fiction? You be the judge. Word has it it's a great read anyway.

7:42:24 AM    comment

Kitty's Litter
By Matt Taibbi, AlterNet, September 15, 2004
Kitty Kelley's "explosive" nearly 700-page tome on the Bushes, The Family, has been barely out on the streets for a day, but the early news reactions have already made it plain: The sprawling biography simply doesn't matter. The predominant media take on this book is likely to go something like this: In Bush tome, unreliable menopausal scandalmonger again misses mark; world waits out irritating media buzz. But that doesn't mean the book isn't worth a read - far from it.

Kelley's book is - unintentionally I think - a surprisingly tender portrait of a small, loyal group of vicious undead fiends, persevering against all odds in a world of the callous, uncomprehending living. Kelley does what no other writer to date has really done for the Bushes: she actually makes you admire them for their remarkable ability to remain consistently cold, calculating, predatory and unscrupulous in generation after generation after generation. In one of the great laugh lines of this or any other biography, Kelley sums up the Bush charm by quoting (third-hand, mind you - there's that damn credibility thing again!) none other than Richard Nixon:
'The writer Gore Vidal recalled a conversation with his friend Murray Kempton shortly after one of the journalist's periodic lunches with Murray Kempton. Kempton had mentioned George Bush [Sr.], and according to Vidal, Nixon had responded: "Total light-weight. Nothing there - sort of person you appoint to things - but now that Barbara, she's something else again! She's really vindictive!" Vidal characterized the comment as "the highest Nixonian compliment."'   But then Richard Nixon hadn't met W.

Rhino's Blog is the responsibility of Gary Rhine.
Feedback & requests to be added or deleted from the list are encouraged. (rhino@kifaru.com)
Search the Rhino's Blog Archives, The Daily Rhino Photo, and lots of links at  (http://www.rhinosblog.info)

Rhino's Other Web Sites:
http://www.dreamcatchers.org  (Indigenous Assistance & Intercultural Dialog)
http://www.kifaru.com  (Native American Relations Video Documentaries)

Articles are reprinted under Fair Use Doctrine of international copyright law.
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7:37:52 AM    comment

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