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Updated: 12/5/05; 12:55:33 PM.



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Thursday, December 30, 2004

"Let your heart feel for the afflictions and distress of everyone, and let your hand give in proportion to your purse."
- - George Washington (American commander in chief of the colonial armies in the American Revolution [1775-83] and subsequently 1st US president [1789-97, 1732-1799])


12/29/2004 - The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami.

At the time of this writing, the death toll of the South-East Asia Tsunami is 80,000 souls and counting. A half million people are injured and a million homeless. On Wednesday, "Democracy Now" had extensive coverage including the Indonesian province of Aceh where it's believed only 1 in 4 four people survived.
Survivor From Aceh: "Destruction was of Biblical Proportions"

At this point, the total funds for disaster relief committed to by the wealthy countries of the world is 250 Million. The U.S. Government has committed 35 Million. That's MILLION, not BILLION. But there's another kind of tidal wave coming & that's the diseases of the survivors from contaminated water supplies which could result in as many deaths as the first wave.

Rhino sez, "If the richest country in the world can legislate 60 Billion dollars the day after 3000 souls perished in the 9/11 disaster, and another 140 Billion over the following 3 years for their response war machine, then taking 3 days to come up with a measly 35 Million seems unconscionable. Now is the time for countries, corporations, faith based organizations and caring individuals to reach out, and dig deep to respond to the unfathomable suffering which is and will be occurring for next days, weeks and months."

For extensive info on Tsunami Relief, surf:
The South-East Asia Earthquake and Tsunami Blog. The SEA-EAT blog for short.
News and information about resources, aid, donations and volunteer efforts.

AT: http://tsunamihelp.blogspot.com

Taigen Dan Leighton has been a long time Rhino's Blog reader, and an important contributor to my research & understanding of world events. At RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE I offer his recent email response to the Tsunami disaster. Please join The Rhino in supporting 1 or more organizations working to respond to the suffering. For more on Taigen Dan Leighton see:

10:25:30 AM    comment

Relief for Tsunami victims/ Sarvodaya
by Taigen Dan Leighton

The loss of life from the 9.0 earthquake and tsunami now is reported as close to 70,000 and will go much higher due to after-effects. It is hard to conceive of what such numbers mean, and the immensity of grief and suffering now added to an already deeply troubled world. In addition to sending relief help ourselves, you might contact your US government representative. The amount currently pledged by our government to help in this catastrophe is approximately the same as that earmarked for GW Bush's inaugural festivities. Perhaps we could divert some money from our weapons programs and occupation of Iraq.

Here are a couple of the many groups providing critically needed humanitarian aid to tsunami victims. Please consider making a generous donation to one or more of these groups.
- American Friends Service Committee (AFSC Crisis Fund) 1-888-588-2372
- Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres 1-888-392-0392

In addition, I wanted to call special attention to the wonderful, long-standing Sri Lankan Buddhist relief organization, Sarvodaya Shramadana, and their call for help, from the Buddhist Peace Fellowship website, which also has other places to send help. At the end of this e-mail I am adding some words from Illinois Zen teacher Joshin Robert Althouse about Sarvodaya Shramadana, which my friend Joanna Macy has written about extensively. Their work has been exemplary. They are a good model for us to know about, and I second all of Joshin's words.

The following is an excerpt from:

Urgent: Help victims of the earthquake/tsunami throughout Asia
The Buddhist Peace Fellowship sends our heartfelt prayers and support to all who have been affected by the December 26th earthquake and subsequent tsunamis affecting parts of Asia and Africa. We encourage our chapters and members across the world to collect donations and medical supplies and send them directly to agencies in these African and Asian countries.

To donate to the International Red Cross/Red Crescent, which is aiding all affected areas (India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other countries), see:

The Buddhist Peace Fellowship has also received and seen the following requests from
friends in some of the areas affected:

Sri Lanka
At Sarvodaya we are working round the clock in all affected areas to help those innocent victims. We have set up a special unit at our head quarters and five other centers around the country to handle this mammoth operation. We plead for help from you. Whatever you can do to help save these victims please contact our 24 hour help lines.

+94 785 107 107 (Krishna)
+94 7222 44690 (Vinya)
+94 777 899 196 - General +94112 655 255 - +94112 655 125 - +94112 655125
Fax +94112 656512

Or email for more details
- ssmplan@sri.lanka.net
- Krishna@itmin.net
- nirvana@sltnet.lk
- arisar@sltnet.lk
Please help us to help the needy at this sorrowful moment in the history of this country.
With the blessings of the Triple Gem,

Yours affectionately
Dr. A T Ariyaratne
Founder - President, Sarvodaya Movement
Sarvodaya HQ
#98, Rawatawatta Road
Moratuwa, Sri Lanka

From Sarvodaya USA/Friends of Sarvodaya
What We Can Do Right Now

Send a check to:
Sarvodaya USA
5716 Manchester Avenue #3
Los Angeles, CA 90045

D.J. Mitchell, our accountant and a longtime friend of Sarvodaya, will wire funds to Sarvodaya
every few days. Your contribution will be tax-deductible this year if it is postmarked before
January 1.* Otherwise, it will be tax-deductible in 2005. Either way, it is needed immediately.
If you send a check, please let me know how much and we will make doubly sure it is acknowledged.

excerpt from Joshin Robert Althouse:

Joanna Macy wrote about the Sarvodaya movement in her book, "World as Lover, World as Self". She wrote more specifically about them in another book called, "Dharma and Development" (I'm not sure that one is still in print). They have a long track record of social action and development work in Sri Lanka and their founder, Ariyaratna is a tireless worker and Buddhist teacher. I think he is a visionary and a great Buddhist teacher who we can all learn from. They have pioneered a unique model of development in the third world that has started, not by imposing their ideas or ideals on people, but by going to the people first and listening to what their needs are, and then working to empower the people to help themselves.

Very early on, Ariyaratna based much of his work on identifying what he calls ten basic human needs of environment, water, clothing, food, housing, health services, communication, fuel, education and cultural/spiritual development. All of their work has been to help people at a grass roots level meet these needs. Sarvodaya means "the awakening of all" or "everybody wakes up". The term was originally used by Gandhi to mean "the uplift and welfare of all". Shramadana means "the giving (dana) of human energy." So the notion here is that everyone wakes up together. They have modeled this in so many wonderful ways.

They are a very well respected organization, and they are in a good position to be of assistance at the grass roots level to people in Sri Lanka at the present time. I have no hesitation in supporting them financially or in other ways.

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9:57:07 AM    comment

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