Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:55:56 PM.



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Tuesday, January 4, 2005

- Donation Guide, Alternet
- Activists Blast Indonesian Military for Holding Up Critical Aid, Democracy Now
- Broken Promises, By  Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Pacific News Service


"I have seen no evidence in my 24 years in Congress of one instance where because of American military involvement with another military, that the Americans have stopped that foreign army from carrying out atrocities against their own people."
- - Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) 

1965 - President Johnson outlined the goals of his "Great Society" in his State of the Union address. The “Great Society” was to be achieved through a vast program that included an attack on diseases, a doubling of the war on poverty, greater enforcement of Civil Rights Law, immigration law reform and greater support of education.

Thanks to all the Rhino's Blog Readers, friends and relatives who responded to my call for donations to DreamCatchers to purchase injectable antibiotics to send to Sri Lanka. Over the New Year's weekend, DreamCatchers collected nearly $20,000 which enabled us to send our nurse/emissary, Kima Douglas, with as much antibiotics as she is able to take with her.  We will stay in touch with Kima and Doctor Daniel Susott over the next weeks and continue to send them what they tell us is most needed in their work on the ground in Sri Lanka. Anyone wishing to make additional contributions to this work can call DreamCatchers during Pacific Standard business hours:  PHONE (310) 457 1617.

For occasional dispatches and photos posted by  Dr. Susott, check out:


For more organizations to contribute to for disaster relief, check out:
AlterNet's Donation Guide
A list of aid agencies accepting contributions for those affected by the earthquake and tsunamis.

Is it possible that the inhumane behavior of the Indonesian Government & Military, long sponsored by U.S. Taxpayer dollars via the CIA, will be once & for all be made obvious by the blatant non-cooperation & outright theft of relief efforts in Ache? Rhino sez, "If Colin Powell wants to make a genuine effort to repair his reputation after the lies he told the world about Iraq at the U.N., what he should do is force the Indonesian Government to stop persecuting its people & start cooperating with relief efforts."

But where are the tri-letter broadcasters on the subject of the Indonesian Military atrocities? It seems the same place they were when the Indonesian Army was massacring thousands of innocents in East Timor. They're looking another direction.

If you're not familiar with the history East Timor of which Rhino speaks, check out:

ESTAFETA - Voice Of The East Timor Action Network/US

Here's a link to yesterday's excellent Democracy Now coverage of the Ache situation:  

Nearly 100,000 Dead in Aceh From Tsunami,  
as Activists Blast Indonesian Military for Holding Up Critical Aid
Democracy Now,  1/3/05
As the aftermath of the Asian Tsunami continues to devastate the region, the people of Aceh in Indonesia have paid the heaviest price with some 94,000 feared dead. But human rights activists and aid groups accuse the Indonesian military of holding up aid to the most needy because of its war against the province... Secretary of State General Colin Powell announced that he will visit Aceh on his tour of the devastation in the region...

...AMY GOODMAN: Allan Nairn also joins us. If you can talk about the significance of the US Secretary of state, Colin Powell together with the Florida governor, and president's brother, Jeb Bush, going to Indonesia right now, and what this means.

ALLAN NAIRN: Well, the US’s long-time sponsor of the Indonesian military, Powell can have, if he wants, tremendous leverage over the military. The Indonesian military has staged dozens of raids in north Aceh and east Aceh against villages in recent days. Even as people are desperate for food and water, they're interrogating activists, Acehnese activists who are trying to work with the relief effort. Powell could put a stop to this by telling the Indonesian military to stop. Likewise it's quite likely that the US Military will now use this as an excuse to press for renewed sales of helicopters, of transport planes, of logistics, of weaponry to the Indonesian armed forces. Since those helicopters and planes are now being used in the relief effort, up until a few weeks ago, they were being used to attack the Acehnese from the air, and they will be again soon if the Indonesian military has their way. Powell should also publicly reject that possibility and say that the US will sever all aid to the Indonesian military and police...
READ IT ALL AT:  http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/01/03/1446230

Rhino asks, "Will it ever be possible that the world's wealth, that for so long has been squandered on war, might be directed on providing the minimum life necessities for the world's poor?"  Here are a few factoids, and then the BOTTOM LINE, which is a look at how the wealthy nations ignore the poor. Let's all remember, the countries that were hit by the Tsunami, were already incredibly poor. What say we raid the billions in the rebuild Iraq coffers to provide permanent water purification systems to the poorer nations of the Tsunami region and then the rest of the world?

In 2001, world military expenditures topped $839 billion, while at the same time an estimated 1.3 billion people survive on less than the equivalent of U.S. $1 a day.
- -   Arias Foundation

Approximately 80% of U.S. arms exports to the developing world go to non-democratic regimes.
- - The Center for International Policy

9:55:29 AM    comment

Broken Promises
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Pacific News Service, January 3, 2005

Though their response to the tsunami disaster has been admirable, wealthy nations have fallen behind in efforts to help fight poverty in the developing world. Whether or not the United States can fairly be called "stingy" in its response to Asia's tsunami disaster, when it comes to tackling the ongoing crisis of hunger, poverty and disease in the developing world, rich nations aren't keeping their promises.

 In early December, a report by Oxfam, an international development organization, found that the foreign aid budgets of the world's wealthy countries as a share of their national income have plunged since the mid-1960s. At their current rate of aid spending it will take more than a half-century for rich nations to make a dent in the chronic poverty in the developing world.

 Though President Bush marginally increased the amount of aid earmarked for HIV/AIDS and disease-prevention programs in Africa and the Caribbean in 2004, the United States still ranks dead last among the top 22 wealthy nations in overall foreign aid giving as a percentage of national income. Even that is misleading, for the bulk of that U.S. aid money goes to a relatively small number of loyal allies, with Israel and Egypt grabbing the lion's share. Overall, U.S. foreign aid spending in 2003 was a fraction of what it spent on Iraq...

READ IT ALL AT: http://www.alternet.org/story/20869

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9:23:02 AM    comment

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