Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:55:58 PM.



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Thursday, January 13, 2005

- A Full Day Of Protest Planned for Inauguration, Washington Post
- Soros group raises stakes in battle with US neo-cons, The Financial Times
- CBS' Cowardice and Conflicts Behind Purge, gregpalast.com
- Mike Chertoff's Dirty Little Secrets, LA Weekly
- Torture - From J.F.K. to Baby Bush: Torture in the Senate, Truthout

"The searing photographs from Abu Ghraib have made it harder to create and maintain the alliances we need to prevail against the vicious terrorists who threaten us, and those abuses serve as recruiting posters for the terrorists."
- - Senator Patrick Leahy (To Alberto Gonzales in last week's A.G. confirmation hearing)

KNOW YOUR HISTORY - January 13th
1958 -- 9,000 scientists of 43 nations petitioned the UN for a nuclear test ban.
1971 -- The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin resolution, which amounted to a declaration of war against Vietnam, was repealed by Congress. U.S. Senators Wayne Morse of Oregon and Ernest Gruening of Alaska share the distinction of casting the only votes against the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution on August 7, 1964. The resolution supported President Lyndon Johnson's military actions against North Vietnam in retaliation for its attack on a U.S. spy ship in the Tonkin Gulf which turned out to be a bogus lie. The resolution passed in the House 414-0 and the Senate 88-2. Gullible Senators & Congresspersons? Same as it ever was.
1991 -- Seattle's University Baptist Church offers sanctuary to military personnel opposed to the US war with Iraq.
2003 -- England: Greenpeace activists break into Sizewell B nuclear power station to demonstrate lax security.

Rhino exits his soggy, brushy homestead in Southern California having kept his head above the waterline in spite of 17 inches of rain in 15 days. He has a look around and sees billionaires wanting to fund politically progressive efforts (YAY!), CBS sinking further into a cowardly crouching crevice (BOO!), a John Ashcroft ash kissing right wing partisan prosecuting judge up for Homeland Security Czar (YUCK!), and last, and with the least amount of credibility, a torture rationalizing shrub facilitating attorney way too close to confirmation for U.S. Attorney General (THE SKY REALLY IS FALLING!).

Read it and weep my friends. Then organize! Organize! Organize!
Big doin's on Inauguration Day.

A Full Day Of Protest Planned for Inauguration
By Manny Fernandez, Washington Post, January 13, 2005;
AT: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A5131-2005Jan12.html


Soros group raises stakes in battle with US neo-cons
By James Harding, The Financial Times, January 11 2005
A group of billionaire philanthropists are to donate tens of millions more dollars to develop progressive political ideas in the US in an effort to counter the conservative ascendancy. George Soros, who made his fortune in the hedge fund industry; Herb and Marion Sandler, the California couple who own a multi-billion-dollar savings and loan business; and Peter Lewis, the chairman of an Ohio insurance company, donated more than $63m (£34m) in the 2004 election cycle to organizations seeking to defeat George W. Bush. At a meeting in San Francisco last month, the left-leaning billionaires agreed to commit an even larger sum over a longer period to building institutions to foster progressive ideas and people...

MORE AT: http://news.ft.com/cms/s/c0e45a86-6408-11d9-b0ed-00000e2511c8.html


CBS' Cowardice and Conflicts Behind Purge
Network's Craven Back-Down on Bush Draft Dodge Report Sure to Get a Standing Rove-ation at White House

by Greg Palast. gregpalast.com, Tuesday, January 11, 2005
"Independent" my ass. CBS' cowardly purge of five journalists who exposed George Bush's dodging of the Vietnam War draft was done under cover of what the network laughably called an "Independent Review Panel." The "panel" was just two guys as qualified for the job as they are for landing the space shuttle: Dick Thornburgh and Louis Boccardi. Remember Dickie Thornburgh? He was on the Bush 41 Administration's payroll. His grand accomplishment as Bush's Attorney General was to whitewash the investigation of the Exxon Valdez Oil spill, letting the oil giant off the hook on big damages. ...

Then there's Boccardi, not exactly a prince of journalism. This is the gent who, as CEO of the Associated Press, spiked his own wire service's exposure of Oliver North and his traitorous dealings with the Ayatollah Khomeini. Legendary AP investigative reporters Robert Parry and Brian Barger found their stories outing the Iran-Contra scandal in 1986 stopped by their bosses. They did not know that Boccardi was on those very days deep in the midst of talks with North, participating in the conspiracy...



Mike Chertoff's Dirty Little Secrets - Bush's New Homeland and Security Czar
by Doug Ireland. LA WEEKLY, JAN 14, 2005
The Bush White House thinks they’re being clever by naming a prosecutor instead of a criminal to head the Department of Homeland Security: Mike Chertoff, whose appointment as DHS czar in the wake of the failed nomination of scandal-plagued Bernie Kerik (now under investigation by multiple law-enforcement agencies) was announced as the Weekly went to press. But Chertoff is as political an appointment as one can imagine--especially for those who know the arena of politics in New Jersey, where Chertoff was U.S. Attorney, and where his naming to the DHS job caused jaws to drop. Chertoff was a political attack dog in that job, indicting and convicting a raft of Democratic officeholders...

MORE AT: http://www.laweekly.com/ink/05/08/news-ireland.php


Rhino's Bottom Line is Part 3 of a 3 part series on torture, made all important by the pending confirmation of attorney Alberto Gonzales to the highest law enforcement position in the U.S.

8:25:42 AM    comment

Gore Vidal on War For Oil, Politics, Free Elections & The Late Great US Constitution
by Steve Perry, Minneapolis City Pages, 3/29/05

Well, let us say that the old American republic is well and truly dead. The institutions that we thought were eternal proved not to be. And that goes for the three departments of government, and it also goes for the Bill of Rights. So we're in uncharted territory. We're governed by public relations. Very little information gets to the people, thanks to the corruption and/or ineptitude of the media. Just look at this bankruptcy thing that went through--everybody in debt to credit cards, which is apparently 90 percent of the country, is in deep trouble. So the people are uninformed about what's being done in their name.

And that's really why we are in Iraq. Iraq is a symptom, not a cause. It's a symptom of the passion we have for oil, which is a declining resource in the world. Alternatives can be found, but they will not be found as long as there's one drop of oil or natural gas to be extracted from other nations, preferably by force by the current junta in charge of our affairs. Iraq will end with our defeat...

READ IT ALL AT:  http://citypages.com/databank/26/1268/article13085.asp

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6:54:56 AM    comment

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