Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:56:00 PM.



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Friday, January 28, 2005

- Progressive Democrats of America - Strategy
- Ordinary Heroes and the Rising Power of the Roots, By William Rivers


"...Once we out-organize the Democratic party, we will surprise the
conservative right by learning from their organizational successes and
executing it more effectively. We will do that because we have truth
and justice on our side. The most important thing we do is that
inside-outside strategy: Pulling together members of the Green party,
the Independent Progressive Politics Network, the hip-hop community,
the civil rights community, our allies in congress, the anti-war
community. We are bringing together all the social movements within the
Democratic party under one effective tent..."
- - Kevin Spidel (National Field Director, Progressive Democrats of

KNOW YOUR HISTORY - January 28th
1853 -- Cuba: Revolutionist José Martí (1853-1895) lives, Havana. Cuban
poet, essayist & journalist, who became symbol of Cuba's struggle for
independence. The popular song "Guantanamera" is based on a poem by
Marti'. Worked on underground papers, sent to jail, forced into exile.
1917 -- Mexico: American army forces withdraw from Mexico after failing
to find Pancho Villa.
1961 -- US: Committee for Nonviolent Action demonstrates against
nuclear-armed ships, New London, Connecticut.

The Rhino recently joined a new organization called Progressive
Democrats of America. Known as PDA, the grassroots-based, nationally
federated organization was founded by former National Field Director
for the Kucinich for President campaign, Kevin Spidel, who also has a
history of serving as a field organizer for Amnesty International. I
am focusing this entire blog entry to encouraging you to join me in
learning about the organization, joining it & contributing to it.

I see it as an encouraging development toward a light at the end of
the dark shrub gang tunnel.
Progressive Democrats of America

For an in depth history of how PDA came together, and insights into the
game plan, check out Rhino's Bottom Line, an interview with PDA
National Field Director, Kevin Spidel, conducted by William Rivers
Pitt, author of 'War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know'
and 'The Greatest Sedition is Silence.'

Individuals can join PDA AT:

Organizations can join PDA AT:

Donate to Progressive Democrats of America AT:


From the PDA Vision, Strategy & Plan page

...To achieve these goals, we dedicate ourselves to work within the
general framework of the Democratic Party and with sister organizations
to create a new, democratic, grassroots-based, nationally federated
organization. Through this organization we shall endeavor, over a
period of years, to build an unstoppable coalition of the hundreds of
millions of Americans who would benefit from a taking back of our
democracy, our economy, and our institutions from the "moneyed
interests" warned of by Jefferson and the "military-industrial complex"
described by Eisenhower: those who would rob from Americans our
precious rights of informed self-governance.

Mindful of the continuing important differences between Republican and
Democratic political values, yet fully aware of how much better
Democratic candidates and elected officials must be to save our people
and our planet from destruction, we dedicate ourselves to beginning the
long, patriotic, nonviolent, and ultimately unstoppable process of
transforming the Democratic Party. Toward this end, we will educate
ourselves, our neighbors, and our fellow Americans to the demonstrable
validity of the progressive worldview, and mobilize our fellow
Americans precinct by precinct, congressional district by congressional
district, state by state, first to take back the Democratic Party and
then our great country from the global corporate interests that
currently dominate our lives...
MORE AT: http://pdamerica.org/vision.php

5:06:02 PM    comment

Ordinary Heroes and the Rising Power of the Roots
By William Rivers Pitt,  t r u t h o u t | Interview, Thursday 27 January 2005

...WRP: The Progressive Democratic convention in Roxbury was a seminal moment for PDA. Describe it for me.     KS: There were a lot of folks in the grassroots who weren't enthusiastic about Kerry's nomination, but worked hard for his campaign because they were enthusiastic about moving this farce of a president out of office. There were many things that candidates like Kucinich, Sharpton and Dean were advocating that were not represented by Kerry. It was extremely critical to keep our left-of-center base solidified to get Bush out of office, and it was extremely critical that we not become distracted by other agendas, other initiatives. The purpose of the convention, which happened during the main Democratic Convention and in the same city, was to demonstrate that the progressive voice was still alive in the Democratic party. The DNC leadership, along with the DLC, would not allow this type of message to be recognized inside the convention: the anti-war, anti-corporate domination, anti-privatization wing of the Democratic party. There are many Democrats who believe in these issues, and we need the party to know these voices are here. We pushed aside all of the personalities of each candidate to unite on one message. We demonstrated that unity when we had Kucinich and Dean embrace each other on stage, and had them talk together about the future of the progressive movement within the Democratic party.

    WRP: It seems like Bush was the unifying factor for everyone in the progressive grassroots during the campaign season. Defeating him was what brought everyone together. Now that the campaign is over, how do you plan to keep that coalition together?     KS: One of the things that came out of Bush's election was that it united us even more, and allowed us to prioritize our energies in a more strategic way. Bush's election created a unified progressive movement. We put aside our petty differences and focused on the common bonds that bring us together: Getting out of Iraq, universal health care, education reform, election reform, media reform, corporate reform. After November 2nd, every state Democratic party organization was wandering in the wilderness. They'd been hit by a Mack truck and wondering what to do next. State party organizations became hollow shells, allowing the progressive activists who had been there since day one to fill that shell...

READ IT ALL AT:  http://www.truthout.org/docs_05/012805U.shtml

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4:35:26 PM    comment

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