Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:55:58 PM.



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Saturday, January 15, 2005

''Religion must, I think, have an intimate connection with the world in which we live, and any religion that promotes other places - heaven and so on - in favor of what we have in the physical world is a delusion, a mere control device to allow us to be manipulated.''
- - Dr. Vine Deloria, Jr.

''Vine is an original thinker with the spirit of a warrior. He has been variously described as an activist, a scholar and a religious philosopher. He is all that and more... No writer has more clearly articulated the unspoken emotions, dreams and lifeways of contemporary Native people''
- - Wilma Mankiller (Former Principle Chief of The Cherokee Nation)

January 15th, 1877 -- Ponca Chief Standing Bear refuses to move to a reservation because it's within lands already given to the Lakota. For more on Chief Luther Standing Bear, check out: http://www.press.uillinois.edu/f03/mathes.html
January 15th, 1929 -- American Civil Rights activist Martin Luther King, Jr. is born in Atlanta, Georgia. Thanks to Stevie Wonder & others, the U.S. finally celebrates officially.
January 16th, 1893 -- Hawaii: Queen Lilluokalani's regime is overthrown by US pineapple tycoon Sanford Dole & pro-annexation sugar interests. With an amazing sense of timing, US troops just happen to land, "to protect US interests." With support from US Minister John Stevens, Dole declares himself Hawaii's president & lobbies for US annexation. It's manifestly in the can.
January 16th, 1986 -- US: Energy Department announces 12 potential nuclear waste sites in eastern U.S., including Penobscot site in Maine only re-granted to the Penobscot Indian Nation six years before, along with four other tribal sites. Why not Washington, D.C.??

I want to say thank you to the blog readers who responded to the DreamCatchers effort to send our friend Kima Douglas to Sri Lanka hand carrying injectable antibiotics. Kima & the medicine arrived safely & she's now working with Dr. Daniel Susott & assessing the needs as they change there. DreamCatchers will continue to support their efforts. If you'd like to help, send contributions to "DreamCatchers" 23852 PCH #766, Malibu, CA 90265 or call (310) 457 1617.

The January 10th issue of Indian Country Today (ICT) contains an array of articles honoring my friend (& Rhino's Blog Reader) Vine Deloria, this on the occasion of the ICT editors announcement that they've chosen Vine for this year's American Indian Visionary Award. The Ceremony will take place March 2 at 6:00 p.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The award honors leaders who display ''the highest qualities and attributes of leadership in defending the foundations of American Indian freedom.'' The Rhino enthusiastically encourages you to digest the variety of thoughtful essays summarizing Vine's body of work which are currently posted on the ICT website.

You'll find links below to many of them, including the "Editors Report," written by ICT Senior Editor (& Rhino's Blog reader) Jose Barreiro, which is RHINO'S WEEKEND BOTTOM LINE.

But first, consider this sampling of Dr. Vine Deloria Jr's works:

''Custer Died for Your Sins'' (1969)
''We Talk, You Listen: New Tribes, New Turf'' (1970)
''God Is Red: A Native View of Religion'' (1973)
''Behind the Trail of Broken Treaties: An Indian Declaration of Independence'' (1974)
''Indians of the Pacific Northwest: From the Coming of the White Man to the Present Day'' (1977)
''American Indians, American Justice'' (1983), co-written by Clifford Lytle
"American Indian Policy in the Twentieth Century" (1985)
''Red Earth, White Lies: Native Americans and the Myth of Scientific Fact'' (1995)
"Singing For A Spirit" (2000)
''Evolution, Creationism and Other Modern Myths'' (2002), Paperback (2004)


Here's a fantastic link to the ICT "Perspectives" page offering essays by many prominent Indian movers & shakers on the influence that Vine has had on their life's work, including Suzan Shown Harjo, Rebecca Adams, Wilma Mankiller, John Mohawk, Phillip Deloria (Vine's son), Norbert Hill, Steven Newcomb and more:

Indian Country Today "Perspectives" on Vine Deloria , Jr.


Vine Deloria Jr.: A Moderate Radical
by: James May / Today Staff, January 10, 2005

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Vine Deloria Jr. is a man to whom problems are considered challenges. In fact, he has made it his life's work to tackle difficult subjects - the more complex or problematic the better. Accepted thinking on nearly any academic subject, only raises more questions. The status quo, to Deloria, creates opportunities to explore. It is perhaps not surprising that the son of a Christian minister would attack accepted thinking with a near religious zeal. In fact, accepted religious thinking has always been one of Deloria's favorite targets. Fundamentalism and orthodoxy of all stripes has rubbed Deloria the wrong way. Modern American Christianity is as much in Deloria's line of fire as are people who take their tribal religions literally. In 1995 he wrote ''Red Earth, White Lies'', in which he finally launched a full-scale criticism of the Bering Strait theory. In that book, he offered an alternate view of the peopling of the Americas which also incorporated Indian oral traditions and has garnered mainstream acceptance from some important quarters, while, of course garnering equal amounts of criticism.

MORE AT: http://www.indiancountry.com/content.cfm?id=1096410125

Vine Deloria Jr.: Clearing space for cultural and policy alternatives
by: Jerry Reynolds / Indian Country Today, January 10, 2005

...Among the many things the author, scholar and activist is known for is an uncompromising insistence that words like ''religion'' and ''religious'' don't describe the realm of activities Indians historically held to be sacred. Likewise, a word like ''policy'' probably doesn't capture the impact Deloria has had on public policy toward tribes in the past four decades. Deloria has certainly played a role in changing several specific policies for the better. His early successes, seen in practical contributions to the Indian Capital Conference on Indian Poverty that brought about an Indian presence in the Office of Economic Opportunity in the early and mid-1960s, and to the pan-Indian Trail of Broken Treaties that ended in the American Indian Movement-inspired occupation of BIA headquarters in 1972, are evidence enough of his engagement in the great policy issues of his time. His publications have been helpful too in encouraging the course of tribal self-determination as federal policy; and his ringing denunciations of past federal policies, such as termination and the damming of the Missouri River, have enlightened many - and increased the difficulty at least of those politicians hopeful for a return to paternalism toward tribes...

MORE AT: http://www.indiancountry.com/content.cfm?id=1096410124

8:48:23 AM    comment

Salute to Vine Deloria Jr.: American Indian Visionary
by: Editors Report / Indian Country Today, January 10, 2005

Many writers and intellectuals have contributed to the understanding and the defense of Native peoples; Vine Deloria Jr. captured the mind of a generation. Over the course of four decades, Vine Deloria Jr. provided enormous perception, guidance, strategy and sheer analytical heft to the struggle for respect and justice for American Indians. Thus Deloria's unique creative genius stands out above the best of the best. This is not stated lightly; many individuals have made wonderful contributions in the same direction over the same period, some even sacrificing their lives - valiantly and selflessly in defense of their peoples. But in every generation, too, to paraphrase the late Muskogee medicine man, Phillip Deere, there is one that hits the click-stone just right, and sparks the fire.

For that reason, primarily - but leading many other reasons - for sparking the intellectual fire of political, legal, historical and spiritual illumination, for lighting the path to the mountain-head of knowledge and pointing out the way ahead, Indian Country Today's editorial committee is proud to bestow the 2005 American Indian Visionary Award upon Dr. Vine Deloria Jr. There is no one in Indian country quite like Vine Deloria Jr. Already a mature political mind at the genesis of the tumultuous American Indian activism that erupts in the late 1960s, the young lawyer-historian-theologian penned the early books that galvanized political thinking and discussion among the new wave of activism in Indian country. Deloria served as executive director of the National Congress of American Indians from 1964 to 1967. He was a young contemporary of the generation that confronted termination, active and brilliant. So that when the rallying cry of sovereignty and self-determination sounded loud and clear in Indian country, Deloria was readiest of all to make sense of it, to fortify it, to lead the discourse...

MORE AT:  http://www.indiancountry.com/content.cfm?id=1096410120

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