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Updated: 12/5/05; 12:55:59 PM.



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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

- Bush Opts for Costly Bash in Wartime, SF Chronicle
- Inaugural Fear in a Year of War, Daytona Beach News-Journal
- Will the Anti-Inaugural Protests Be Covered? by Danny Schechter, CommonDreams.org
- A Televisual Fairyland; US Media is Disciplined by Corporate America, Guardian/UK

"This is the Super Bowl for us. Everyone on every team is dressed up and playing in the game. And the bench is very, very deep. The agents and officers at the swearing-in and along the parade route will have access to the latest tools. Every piece of technology that exists will be a part of this.”
- - FBI Special Agent James W. Rice II, (Supervisor of the National Capital Response Squad)

January 19th 1946 -- The first complaint heard by the United Nations Security Council was made by Iran and directed against the Soviet Union. Iran alleged Soviet interference in its internal affairs and the refusal to remove Soviet troops from Iranian territory. The very first session of the UN had begun just days earlier, on January 10, 1946, in London. The issue was resolved without UN intervention.

Tomorrow, the most expensive Presidential Inaugural in US history will take place in Washington DC. Below are links to 2 pieces critiquing the fanfare, each from an opposite end of the country. Meanwhile, the largest Inaugural protest in US history will also occur, and what a field day for the heat. Media Critic Danny Schechter asks, "Will the Anti-Inaugural Protests Be Covered?" And last but not least, Rhino's Bottom Line hails from the UK Guardian & uses just 2 of the countless shrub gang outrages to make the point that the US media has become the pom-pom girls for Corporate America.
Rhino sez, "Hail to the thief!"


Bush Opts for Costly Bash in Wartime
FDR Scaled Back Event, but There's No Clear Precedent

by Edward Epstein, San Francisco Chronicle, January 18, 2005
Jubilant Republicans are descending on a nippy Washington for President Bush's second inaugural on Thursday, an affair of celebrations and protest, pomp and a predicted high temperature of 35 degrees. Beneath the festivities surrounding the 55th presidential inauguration, there is a current of unease. Washington is capital of a nation at war, with 150,000 Americans serving in Iraq and 18,000 in Afghanistan. So far, more than 1,500 military personnel have been killed in the two countries, with more than 10,000 wounded. Some critics have suggested scaling back Thursday's inaugural, which will cost $40 million in privately raised funds for the parties, parade, dinners and entertainment events. It will cost tens of millions of dollars more in public money for an unprecedented security effort that will involve about 6, 000 people who will cordon off a large chunk of downtown.
MORE: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/01/18/MNG49AS6N51.DTL


Inaugural Fear in a Year of War
by Pierre Tristam, Daytona Beach News-Journal, January 18, 2005
In Europe the Russians had just raped and pillaged their way to Warsaw, "liberating" the first European capital occupied by Nazis five years earlier. The western front had bogged down in a six-month stalemate thanks to Eisenhower's strategic mistakes and his field generals' tactical ones. In the Pacific, the battle for the Philippines was inching past Douglas MacArthur's ego. In Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt was personally urging Congress to pass a work-or-fight bill for all men between 18 and 45. The allied offensive could not slacken, the president wrote to Congress, "because of any less than total utilization of our manpower on the home front." So went the week preceding FDR's fourth inauguration.

That slushy, Hamburg-gray Saturday in Washington, the country really was at war in every sense of the word. The picture was just as gray militarily. Roosevelt invited a few people to his inaugural ceremony, held it at the White House instead of at the Capitol, kept his address to the length of a brief advice column in the newspaper and served his guests cold chicken salad. There was no parade, no celebration. President Bush, our neo-New Dealer, is reaping too much unfair criticism for the way he's going about his second inaugural... The criticism is unfair because what most liberal detractors refuse to acknowledge is that Bush never intended to be a war president. He was only playing one on TV.
MORE: http://www.news-journalonline.com/03ColEssays.htm


Will the Anti-Inaugural Protests Be Covered?
by Danny Schechter, CommonDreams.org, January 17, 2005
Some of us are old enough to remember that bright day in January 1977 when Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter got out of their limo and strolled down Pennsylvania Avenue to the White House. We remember it now with nostalgia because that more hopeful American moment is long gone. Now we have elections deemed "brief accountability moments" and a garrison state to insure the trains of social order run on time.

Homeland security? Homeland insecurity is more like it, as new state of the art police state tactics are introduced to protect the president from protesters who plan to try to give his Administration as hard a time as they can. This year's re-inauguration promises to be more fun and games and who knows what repressive tactics will be introduced if somehow the event turns into a street fight or worse. Will there be another Chicago or Tiananmen Square or just mass arrests like at the RNC in New York? The FBI uses a sports metaphor to describe its overkill approach even as it waves a stick bigger than any Teddy Roosevelt carried. They can't wait to test out their souped up contain and control strategies. The testosterone is pumping among the G-Men. They want to engage...
MORE: http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0117-20.htm

8:05:09 AM    comment

A Televisual Fairyland
The US Media is Disciplined by Corporate America into Promoting the Republican Cause
by George Monbiot, Guardian/UK, January 18, 2005

On Thursday, the fairy king of fairyland will be recrowned. He was elected on a platform suspended in midair by the power of imagination. He is the leader of a band of men who walk through ghostly realms unvisited by reality. And he remains the most powerful person on earth. How did this happen? How did a fantasy president from a world of make believe come to govern a country whose power was built on hard-headed materialism? To find out, take a look at two squalid little stories which have been concluded over the past 10 days... (snip)

The role of the media corporations in the US is similar to that of repressive state regimes elsewhere: they decide what the public will and won't be allowed to hear, and either punish or recruit the social deviants who insist on telling a different story. The journalists they employ do what almost all journalists working under repressive regimes do: they internalize the demands of the censor, and understand, before anyone has told them, what is permissible and what is not.

So, when they are faced with a choice between a fable which helps the Republicans, and a reality which hurts them, they choose the fable. As their fantasies accumulate, the story they tell about the world veers further and further from reality. Anyone who tries to bring the people back down to earth is denounced as a traitor and a fantasist. And anyone who seeks to become president must first learn to live in fairyland.

READ IT ALL AT:  http://www.commondreams.org/views05/0118-24.htm

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6:51:50 AM    comment

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