Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:56:02 PM.



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Saturday, February 12, 2005

"Suppose you were an idiot ... And suppose you were a member of Congress... But I repeat myself."
- - Mark Twain

February 12, 1947 -- US: 60 anti-draft demonstrators burn their draft cards in New York City during an anti-war demonstration. First draft card burning in America "against peacetime draft". Now a grand patriotic tradition. Between 400 & 500 veterans & conscientious objectors from World Wars I & II burn their draft cards in two demonstrations, in front of the White House in Washington & at the Labor Temple in New York City, in protest of a proposed universal conscription law.
February 12, 1966 -- Rock For Peace at the Fillmore Auditorium in Frisco, California, with The Great Society, Quicksilver Messenger Service, & Big Brother & the Holding Company. Benefit for Democratic congressional candidates & the Viet Nam Study Group.
February 13, 1633 -- Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome for trial before Inquisition for professing belief that earth revolves around the Sun.
February 13, 1967 -- US: Carrying huge photos of Napalmed Vietnamese children, 2,500 members of the group Women Strike for Peace storm the Pentagon, demanding to see (quote) "the generals who send our sons to Vietnam." Women strike for peace members always dress neatly & appear as they are ˜ middle-class homemakers. When Pentagon guards lock the main-entrance doors, the women take off their shoes & bang on the doors with their heels. They're finally allowed inside, but Defense Secretary Robert McNamara will not meet with them. Senator Jacob Javits agrees to meet a few hundred of the women, but he's roundly booed & heckled when he denies the US is using toxic gas in Vietnam.

Melrose Academy & Speak Out present "Follow Me Home" and post screening Q & A with Lakota Harden

at the Parkway Theater, 1834 Park Blvd. Oakland CA

Sunday, February 13, 2005 Two Showings: 3 pm & 6 pm
Tickets: $7 to benefit Melrose students' study/advocacy trip to Washington DC.
For more info, 510-967-8799

WINNER: Best Feature Film Audience Award, San Francisco International Film Festival 1996
OFFICIAL SELECTION: 1996 Sundance Film Festival
BEST DIRECTOR 1996: American Indian Film Festival , San Francisco

Follow Me Home is a defiant, humorous, poetic feature film that
explores race and identity in America while embracing Native, Latino,
and African spiritual dimensions. It stars Alfre Woodard, Benjamin
Bratt, Jesse Borrego, Steve Reevis, & Calvin Levels.
The film is directed and written by Peter Bratt.

" ...a work of genius."
- Alice Walker

Tommy Chong: Free, and Back on the Road
Terry Gross, "Fresh Air", February 7, 2005
Comedian Tommy Chong. As one half of the comedy duo Cheech and Chong, Tommy Chong made a career out of making jokes about being stoned. Along with Cheech Marin, Chong recorded six gold comedy albums and starred in seven films. He currently has a recurring role on FOX TV's That '70s Show. The role comes after Chong spent nine months in prison; he pleaded guilty to conspiring to sell drug paraphernalia. Chong's arrest was part of the U.S. Justice Department's Operation Pipe Dreams investigation of Internet distribution of drug paraphernalia like bongs and marijuana pipes. Chong says he pleaded guilty to protect his son, whose company was targeted. Chong is now on his first tour since leaving prison, performing in the play The Marijuana-Logues. An upcoming reunion will take place between Chong and his long-time partner Cheech Martin.
Listen at: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4488902

Brain cells in a dish fly fighter plane
New Scientist, October 25, 2004
An array of rat brain cells has successfully flown a virtual F-22 fighter jet. The cells could one day become a more sophisticated replacement for the computers that control uncrewed aerial vehicles or, in the nearer future, form a test-bed for drugs against brain diseases such as epilepsy. Enzymes were used to extract neurons from the motor cortex of mature rat embryos and cells were then seeded onto a grid of gold electrodes patterned on a glass Petri dish. The cells grew microscopic interconnections, turning them into a „live computation device‰, explains Thomas DeMarse, a biomedical engineer at the University of Florida in Gainesville, US, who carried out the research. „This is novel work,‰ says Mandayam Srinivasan of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who used electrodes implanted in a monkey‚s brain to move a robotic arm. He says that in future living systems could be combined with traditional computers to solve problems more efficiently.
More at: http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn6573

Police hunt poo protesters
Police in Germany are hunting pranksters who have been sticking miniature US flags into piles of dog poo in public parks. Josef Oettl, parks administrator for Bayreuth, said: "This has been going on for about a year now, and there must be 2,000 to 3,000 piles of excrement that have been claimed during that time." The series of incidents was originally thought to be some sort of protest against the US-led invasion of Iraq. And then when it continued it was thought to be a protest against President George W. Bush's campaign for re-election. But it is still going on and the police say they are completely baffled as to who is to blame.

More at: http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1248811.html

Teaching the Constitution in a post-democratic America
Mark W. Bradley, SmirkingChimp, Monday, January 31, 2005
...Mr. Ladrone: Good morning, class, and welcome to another profitable day of proselytizing here at Honeywell-Halliburton High School, home of the "Fighting Worker Bees." While the girls in the back of the room look on in admiration, I'd like each of you boys to face the portrait of Our Benevolent Leader, place your left hand on your copy of "The Children's Illustrated Book of Revelations," extend your right arm upward at a 45 degree angle (palm facing down) in a nice manly salute, and join me in reciting the Pledge of Obedience. Ready, Salute, Pledge: I pledge obedience to the Flag of the Corporate States of America, and to the Plutarchy for which it stands, One people, One nation, One leader, under a Vengeful but Just God, with guaranteed Low Prices and Homeland Security for all. Amen.

More at: http://www.smirkingchimp.com/article.php?sid=19717&mode=nested&order=0


10:49:08 AM    comment


It has been sixty years since the birth of Bob Marley on February 6, 1945, and still Bob's star continues to rise higher, shine brighter and even eclipse his previous status as a reggae superstar . Hailed as a musical icon, a revolutionary soldier and charismatic spokesman for the oppressed peoples of the world, his enormous legacy is perpetuated by his immense collection of music, the principles exemplified by his Rastafari lifestyle and the works of the Marley family. Marley,s accomplishments and international achievements are quite impressive. In Jamaica he has the Order of Merit (OM), which is Jamaica's third highest honor, a medal of peace from the United Nations, Artiste of the Century by Billboard Magazine, Diamond Award for Legend album, Exodus album chosen as the best album of the century by Time Magazine, One Love chosen as Anthem of the Millennium by BBC, a Lifetime Achievement Award by National Academy of Recording Artistes, a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame,! and an introduction in National Black Voice and Entertainment Hall of Fame Film and Museum. This year, Bob Marley Tributes take on even greater significance as official celebrations are planned here in the U.S., his native Jamaica and for the first time in his spiritual homeland, Ethiopia, Africa.

Despite being decorated with numerous awards in his lifetime. the one that has eluded Bob is perhaps the most prestigious of all-- The Grammy Award. This year, however, the Recording Academy has announced that his reggae classic, "NO WOMAN NO CRY" has been added to the Grammy Hall Of Fame, joining 659 titles that have been added since 1973.

A new initiative to accord national hero status to reggae icon Robert Nesta Marley was launched in Jamaica at a November press conference when journalists gathered at the Bob Marley Museum on Hope Road, in Kingston, to hear plans for Marley's 60th anniversary celebrations in Jamaica and Africa (Ethiopia). The festivities are being organized by The Bob Marley Foundation and the Rita Marley Foundation jointly.

Jacqueline Knight-Campbell, chief executive officer of Top Klass Event Management Consultancy, told the press launch that Dr Leachim Semaj had accepted the request to head an advisory board that will work towards the reggae superstar becoming a national hero. In addition, Semaj and his team will also be advocating for February 6, the birthday of the reggae superstar, to be declared a national holiday.

"Part of our objective for the 60th birthday celebrations is that we'll identify an advisory board that will champion the cause of brother Bob (Marley) becoming a national hero, as well as his birthday becoming a national holiday," Knight-Campbell said. "One of the visions that we want to achieve out of the 60th birthday celebrations is that the entire world recognize Bob (Marley) as the world's greatest music icon. Therefore the people of Jamaica must recognize that we need to move to another level of his achievements and of his recognition," she said to strong applause. The Foundation, also outlined plans for a massive block party on Knutsford Boulevard in New Kingston to highlight the multi-faceted influences of Bob Marley on Jamaican culture. "The evolution of Bob is so powerful that as a part of our celebrations we'll culminate with a signature event, a massive block party on Knutsford Boulevard in New Kingston, where the multi-faceted influenc! es of Bob on Jamaican and world culture will be rolled out. Fashion, food, art, music, upcoming artistes influenced by Bob Marley, international pop stars and the Rastafarian community will be all part of the celebrations," she said. Knight-Campbell said schools will be running competitions, as well as symposiums where international partners will share what Bob Marley influences meant to them.

In Jamaica the theme will be "One Love". Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC) in association with the North Carolina based Robert Roskind family along with a number of Jamaicans describing themselves as a "Group of Healers", will put on a free "One Love" concert at the Ranny Williams Entertainment Centre. For the February 6, show, the organizers have invited a number of conscious artistes such as Abijah, Luciano, Junior Reid, Culture, Jimmy Cliff, Quincy Jones, Taj Mahal, Santana, Lionel Richie, Mackie Conscious, Mikey General, Cherry Natural among others. The local "Group of Healers" consists of Barry Chavannes, leader of the Maroons Frank Lumsden, Antoinette Haughton, Jean Lowrie Chin, Elaine Wint Leslie, Colin Leslie, Bobby Stephens, Trevor Munroe and Robert Russell.

Representatives of the Rita Marley Foundation are denying reports published in the international media stating that Rita Marley, wife of reggae legend, Bob Marley, plans to exhume her husband's remains in Jamaica and re-bury them in his 'spiritual home' of Ethiopia. According to reports from the Associated Press (AP) , Rita Marley said that the ceremony would take place in February, as part of the month-long celebrations. Also speaking at the media launch, was managing director of the Bob Marley Foundation, Dr Desta Meghoo-Peddie, who gave an overview of the celebrations (AFRICA UNITE) from the Ethiopian perspective. "What we're doing in Ethiopia is beyond the concert and it's very important that we grasp that this morning," said Dr Meghoo-Peddie said, quoting the lyrics of Bob Marley's song Africa Unite which is the theme of the celebrations. "In Ethiopia, we have a host of events that are going on...we have everything from photo exhibits to an all-African e! xhibit that features exhibits from every single country in the continent, as well as booths from the Caribbean, Brazil, United States and Europe," she said. "We got an opening ceremony with dignitaries from around the world; Mother Booker, Bob Marley's mom, will do a special presentation and we got football clinics going into the communities.

Songs of Freedom, brother Neville Garrick, our art director will be facilitator, we got a symposium panel discussion for three days with the assistance from our partners, UNICEF, Amnesty International, the World Bank, the City of Addis Ababa, Save the Children and more..." The symposium, Dr Meghoo-Peddie explained, will be discussing issues including HIV/AIDS; its impact on the community, education, and access to clean water. "What the Bob Marley Foundation along with its partners will do, is to present to these organizations what our desire is for change and what we're willing to do." She said there will also be a petition for peace, a film festival, book-reading, and launching of No Woman No Cry, the book written by Rita Marley about her relationship with her husband.

Dr Meghoo-Peddie said that the high-point of the celebrations in Ethiopia will be the concert, to be held at Mascoll Square in Addis Ababa on Bob Marley's birthday, sunday, February 6. Thousands are expected to attend this gala concert and millions more may be able to take advantage of a planned satellite hook-up. Included in the line-up are Harry Belafonte, Angelique Kidjo, Baba Maal, Yousour N'Dour, Teddy Afro, Quincy Jones, the Marley children, the I-Three, Cedella Marley (Bob Marley's mother) and artistes from different parts of Africa. Bob was extremely livicated to the cause of African Redemption and the unity of Africa was a driving force behind his music. Having this concert in Addis Ababa will not only strengthen Ethiopia but the whole of Africa as well as the Diaspora. Organizers and participants hope that this event will call attention to the huge disparity in health care, education and the general lack of services for Africa's women and children in particular.! It is crucial that Africans at home and abroad rally to support this endeavor. Proceeds from the month long event will go directly to the Bob Marley and Rita Marley Foundations, U.S. based not for profit organizations that support programs such as the Shashamane Basic School and the Mary's Child Home for pregnant teenagers in Ethiopia.

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