Rhino's Blog : Political activism, commentary & satire from a 5th generation San Franciscan,
                                    filmmaker, father, paramedic, and Indigenous rights activist
Updated: 12/5/05; 12:56:26 PM.



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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

- Bush asks for $82B extra, most of it for Pentagon, USA Today
- Lawmakers Told About Contract Abuse in Iraq, Washington Post
- Pentagon Is Investigating Another 8 Air Force Contracts, NY Times
- CNN's Nuke Plant Photos Identical for Both Iran and N. Korea!, The Brad Blog
- "Jeff Gannon's" Secret Life, Salon.com
- Reporter with prostitution links and false name got access to Bush, Raw Story

"Who would Jesus bomb?".""
- - Bumper sticker on the Rhino mobile

KNOW YOUR HISTORY - February 16th
1962 -- Boston SANE & fledgling SDS hold 1st anti-nuke march on Washington; 4,000-8,000 show up.
1968 -- Draft deferments for most graduate students & all occupational deferments eliminated so more young Americans can get first-hand experience in South Vietnam.
1996 --Seven activists arrested for blocking the road to the ceremony commissioning the nuclear warship U.S.S. Greenville at the Norfolk (Virginia) Naval Base.
2001 --NY City's #1 art critic is at it again. Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, the noted adulterer who married his cousin, dumped his second wife on live television, parades about town with his mistress at taxpayer expense & violates the US Constitution as if doing so was a form of yoga, announces he wills create a decency task force to police the Big Apple's art museums. This after the Brooklyn Museum mounted another exhibit he deemed anti-Catholic.

Just another 82 BILLION of deficit US taxpayer dollars for the war machine sez the shrub. Meanwhile, 2 more of the uncountable examples of pentagon fiscal abuse & outright military industrial thievery. Read it, weep & have a talk with your republican voting friends & relatives.


Bush asks for $82B extra, most of it for Pentagon
By Dave Moniz, USA TODAY, 2/14/2005

The White House asked Congress for $82 billion in special spending Monday, almost $75 billion of which would go to the Pentagon to help pay for wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, fix broken equipment and increase the size of the Army in 2005...'

MORE: http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-02-14-bush-war-costs_x.htm


Lawmakers Told About Contract Abuse in Iraq
By Griff Witte, Washington Post, February 15, 2005

A government contractor defrauded the Coalition Provisional Authority of tens of millions of dollars in Iraq reconstruction funds and the Bush administration has done little to try to recover the money, an attorney for two whistle-blowers told Democratic lawmakers yesterday...

MORE: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A24468-2005Feb14.html?sub=AR


Pentagon Is Investigating Another 8 Air Force Contracts
By LESLIE WAYNE, NY Times, February 15, 2005

The Pentagon announced yesterday that it was investigating eight additional Air Force contracts, totaling nearly $3 billion, as part of a broader investigation into influence-peddling involving a former Air Force official and the Boeing Company...

MORE: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/02/15/business/15boeing.html


Here's a couple stories being hammered on by left leaning bloggers. The 1st, Brad Blog's realization that the 2 photos being brandished by the tri-letter media as being are al photos of nuke plants in Iran & North Korea turn out to be the same photo. Take a guess where they got the photos. Rhino sez, "It's Deja Vu time all over again."

CNN's Nuke Plant Photos Identical for Both Iran and N. Korea!
The Brad Blog, 2/14/2005

Two stories posted in the last week on the CNN website, one on nukes in Iran last Wednesday, and another on nukes in North Korea on Saturday, both use the same aerial photograph of the same purported nuclear power plant! But one is supposed to be in Iran and the other is supposed to be in North Korea!...

MORE: http://www.bradblog.com/archives/00001187.htm


The 2nd story is that of White House Press corps member Jeff Gannon of Talon News who was 1st accused of lobbing softball questions to the shrub, then was outed as not being Jeff Ganon at all (great security clearance la casa blanca has these daze) but one Jim Guckert who was not only likely involved in the White House's naming of Victoria Plame as a C.I.A. officer, an "outing" that invites criminal indictment, but is also now being outed as a gay web based prostitute. Will this scandal bring shame on the shrub gang in the eyes of the ever faithful right wing religious bush-fan-atics? Rhino sez, "Don't hold your breath! It'll take more than 82 BILLION scandals to get them to say uncle."

For continuing coverage of the Jeff Gannon story, see Will Pitt's FYI Blog.

"Jeff Gannon's" Secret Life
By Eric Boehlert, Salon.com, 15 February 2005

Revelations that the bogus reporter worked as a gay escort are the latest twist in the affair that has the White House squirming -- and Democrats demanding explanations...


9:52:08 AM    comment

Reporter with prostitution links and false name got access to Bush
RAW STORY, 2/14/05

The former White House reporter for the conservative website Talon News, who resigned after his links to military escort domains appeared on the Web, is said to have paid two individuals to set up a site on which he intended to prostitute himself, RAW STORY has learned. These individuals claim to have invoices which show the name of the reporter Jim Guckert‚s personal business as paying for the website‚s development. AmericaBLOG‚s John Aravosis has discovered previous images of the site through an Internet service which keeps records of sites that have been taken down. The images of the site seem to definitively show Guckert in various indiscrete poses. The images also match with images of Guckert that have appeared in the press, down to personal accoutrements, such as his watch...

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