Updated: 7/18/2002; 5:57:00 AM.

So many islands, so little time
Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).

daily link  Thursday, February 21, 2002

A simple question

Why is there some time a space between a post and the time/date stamp below it? It seems to always happen if I put a heading on a post or if it is more than one paragraph. Ideas?

3:29:59 PM  permalink   

Comments are so cool

So, thanks to Jenny and YACCS, readers can now leave comments on my pages. Very cool and very easy to use. Hope that the Radio feature Dave & company are working on works this smoothly. However, a couple suggestions:

1. The window should open a bit bigger and there should at least be a link at the top to the "Your Comments" section (which is at the bottom, making it not totally obvious you can add comments if there are a two or three comments already.

2. "Your comments" should be "Add Your Comments"

3. It is slow when you're using dial-up from Indonesia.

3:24:47 PM  permalink   

Shifting Away

Another great site for learning-by-example about Radio is The Shifted Librarian. Jenny (isn't it cool how on the web you can call people you've never met by their first name?) has a really nicely designed site with great use of Radio features. She is beginning to document how she makes this all work in Radio. Look at this page to read those articles as they are written.

9:04:11 AM  permalink   

I'm learning just how much I have to learn about Radio. Wow, for such a "simple" app there is a lot of depth. So, where do you go to learn? Russ Lipton's log is one of my favorite places of the moment. Check out his stories page for a quick list of must reads. Some of it is very simplistic, but all of it is very practical and strives to assume no knowlege on the part of the reader.

8:54:19 AM  permalink   

February 2002
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Copyright 2002 © Joe Friend.
Last update: 7/18/2002; 5:57:00 AM.

Comments by: YACCS