Updated: 7/18/2002; 6:00:05 AM.

So many islands, so little time
Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).

daily link  Tuesday, April 16, 2002

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Great little tool to make all links show their URL when you mouse over them.

8:47:31 PM  permalink   

Small world experiment

You've heard of "six degrees of separation," right? No, not the play, game or even the movie with The Fresh Prince. I'm talking about the concept behind it, which came out of a study by Harvard Social Psychologist Stanley Milgram and has recently be repopularized by Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point. Well you can participate in this study to determine if the theory scales on a worldwide basis. I'm already registered and have submitted my name to be a target. Very cool. Thanks Clay for the pointer to this site.

9:56:38 AM  permalink   

April 2002
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Copyright 2002 © Joe Friend.
Last update: 7/18/2002; 6:00:05 AM.

Comments by: YACCS