Mark Szpakowski's shared mems and memes... gestating chaordic bindings in the co-emerging noosphere.

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Monday, March 11, 2002

REST and Copyright: it's simple. The REST hypothesis (Check out the "Brief Review" section of Paul Prescod's article on REST and the Real World) says that the way to go is to be URI-centric, and that any resource must have a URI and be URI-addressible.

Thus, to copy something is to put it into URI space, which means that to copy is to publish.

Implications? In principle all copying is public. When publishing was difficult copying was largely into private space. But now copying is distribution, publishing, sharing. To copy something is to make it more available (for example, enables peer-to-peer sharing).
10:44:38 AM    

Click here to visit the Radio UserLand website. © Copyright 2002 Mark Szpakowski.
Last update: 3/11/02; 10:49:36 AM.
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