I need to go back and check the transcripts of the recent Humphrey-Hawkins because I don't remember any mention of open source causing the recession.
My copy of C# Essentials, 2nd Edition arrived today! Many thanks to Peter Drayton and O'Reilly for going above and beyond the call of duty to fix Barnes&Nobles problem.
I did finally find a decent description of the differences between the standards bodies. The original is in Word format so here is the Google translation.
Steven, you didn't quote the very important next sentence,
I agree that for OOP having no free functions is a good idea, but generic is a different style of programming. OTOH, free functions aren't a requirement for generic programming, they just make the coding cleaner, and that may just be a product of how they were implemented in C++.
Whaddya trying to do, get me caught in the middle of a language war? :-)