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The Site Formerly Known as Bit Working This site has moved to

by Joe Gregorio
::: Friday, May 03, 2002


A correction to Tuesday's post about my former employer. 64 people got the axe, not 55 as I had originally reported.

10:34:22 PM  #  


I was having trouble posting today, posted articles never got upstreamed. I kept getting a macro error about prefs.txt when I posted an article. The fix was to go to prefs, turn off titles and links on articles, publish a single article, then to turn them back on again.

That was the first fix.

The second is moving off of, or should I say out from underneath, Userland's cloud. Over the next few days I will be moving to cornerhost under the domain name, currently parked at For the short term I will still be using Radio for the publishing.

10:28:27 PM  #  

Ethically Challenged

Looks like Verisign is also not playing nicely with it's competitors. I would definitely call their behaviour towards ethically challenged.

10:21:00 PM  #  


Time, if you please, for another Google bomb.

My friend and yours, Leslie Harpold , continues to suffer the arrogance and incompetence of Verisign, a company to whom she paid money in exchange for the safekeeping of her domain,, and who then cheerfully sold it to someone else. [Textism]

Head over to Textism to get the full sordid tale of her dealings with Verisign

10:07:19 PM  #