Looks like Mike James is done kicking the tires and has adopted my CSS only theme for Radio as a starting point for his site.
Core RSS 1.0 is not backwardly compatible with the DTD-based 0.91 (although it is through a 0.91 namespace module). However, it is compatible with version 0.9 as it is based upon RDF and namepaces on which 0.9 was based. Developers can therefore update their RSS 0.91 feeds to 1.0 since most applications understand both 0.91 and 0.9. RSS 0.92+ is forwardly compatible with 0.91; all 0.91 files are valid 0.92 files. 0.92 is not backwardly compatible with 0.9.[From The Evolution of RSS via Sam Ruby]
This is just wrong. It might be humorous if I wasn't trying to write a news aggregator. XML was designed around avoiding problems like this.
The rest of this item has been moved into a story because it mucks up Radio's news aggregator
Yesterday was the monthly RTP bloggers lunch. We invaded met at Jamaica Jamaica and the conversation ranged from weblogging tools to kids to being a 'native' North Carolinian. We added a new member Dave Johnson to the current roster of Mark Pilgrim, Sam Ruby, Stephen Granade and myself. If you are a blogger in the RTP, NC area please email one of us and join us at our next monthly lunch.