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The Site Formerly Known as Bit Working This site has moved to

by Joe Gregorio
::: Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Language and Thought

Does language govern thought, or does thought govern language? It's pretty obvious that lauguage most often governs thought. This isn't an absolute, though it's practically impossible, once you have the tool of language, to think in raw, emotional terms. There's no telling how restrictive the limits this places on our thinking truly are. [gammatron (phase ii)]

I have been thinking (in English :-) ) a lot about this lately in the context of language-centric software development, which is why I picked up a copy of Language and Problems of Knowledge by Noam Chomsky. So far it hasn't been much help but I'm only on page 34...

11:08:54 PM  #  

Thank You

Thank you all for the birthday wishes. I had very nice birthday including a visit from a friend I hadn't seen in eight years, a mention of Aggie in a article, 3/4lb of shrimp for supper and Lynne has informed me that my copy of A New Kind of Science is on it's way from I had already pre-spent some of my birthday money last month getting this blog moved off and onto cornerhost. This weekend I will have my official birthday dinner with my family at the Macaroni Grill.

[Let's see: family, friends, food, books and software. Yeah that's pretty much what my life revolves around :-) ]

10:52:32 PM  #  

Aggie Status Update

RC3 is coming along. The release date has slipped because I am adding a must-have feature, the option to just view 'new' items in channels, i.e. a setting in Aggie will allow you to view only the items that have appeared or changed since the last time Aggie was run.

The ETag changes are in and make a huge performance difference, and combined with the above changes to just view recently changed items will be sweet.

10:41:31 PM  #  

Ideas, ideas, ideas

This is why I like blogging. I release Aggie and Simon Fell comes up with a great suggestion on using ETag. Now Matt Griffith has an interesting idea on using the HTML link element.

10:32:31 PM  #  


Aggie just got written up in an article on Personal Aggregators by Jon Udell in

12:47:54 AM  #  


Matt wonders: I older, or did I just start earlier? Since I started at 18 I’m guessing it is the latter. But for the record I’m a couple months older than Mark.

Yes, you did start earlier. For the record I am 35. Exactly 35. Today is my Birthday!

12:26:12 AM  #