The discussion about Dave Winer's "Ideas for the evolution of RSS" has moved to Ben Hammersley's site. He has brought in several other ideas on changes in RSS and in the process Dave's original document has been re-named the X-Document. There are also some complimentary words from Sam Ruby as he points out that my previous comments on Dave's proposal have already been incorporated into the discussion.
Aggie is getting some good reviews. Simon Fell thinks it's "neat" and nf0 says, "Aggie is a very nice light weight new aggregator. Its tiny and fast. Very basic stuff, this could be a nice altenative when travelling on with my notebook."
This evening I started on implementing Simon Fell's suggestion of using the HTTP headers 'ETag' and 'If-None-Match' to speed up the aggregating.
Ugo Cei has just updated his 1.0 RSS feed and it now works in Aggie.
His RSS feed is also a good example of how to include both the full content of a post and a short description. The short description is held in the 'description' element of the 'item', this is just basic RSS 1.0. He also uses the Content Module of RSS 1.0 to include the full XHTML content of the post. Excellent.
I have added the ability to switch between viewing the full or abbreviated content to my TO-DO list for Aggie.