Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Where is the Voice of Peace?

The news media is full of talk about our "impending" invasion of Iraq, to rid the world of this terrible, dangerous scourge.  There is no bigger threat to the world, we're told.

Where is the opposing voice?  Democrats, Republicans, House, Senate, Administration... they are all ready to go to war in Iraq.  The media seems to be relishing the excitement and trepidation.

Where is the opposing voice asking what we hope to accomplish?  What happens if it is more difficult than we think to remove Saddam?  What happens if we manage to do it?  What about the people of Iraq?  What about Arab reaction? 

Is the most influential and economically powerful country in the world unable to find solutions other than using our superior military to bomb despots out of office?  Do we have to behave like Israel, answering terrorism and the threat of terrorism simply with more terrible weapons and violence?

The silence in opposition is deafening... and depressing.  We're going to go to war without any real debate at all.

7:22:15 AM