Friday, August 09, 2002

Where Can I Get an Omni-Directional Antenna for SpeedStream 802.11b Access Point?

I need to extend the range of the router I bought for Common Ground to reach the trailer where the fourth computer lives.  Seems like an after market omni-directional antenna would work fine (it's only a hundred yards), and the new SpeedStream has a replaceable antenna.

I'd rather increase the range of the access point than have a Yagi antenna at the computer so we can get more coverage across the 21-acre grounds for WiFi.

7:54:14 PM    

My friends over at Emerge are going to be reimplementing the Common Ground web site, after almost two years of stagnation.  Lots of fits and starts, but nothing since that first fall site I through together.

To start, their going to move over the current site and give us a bunch of POP3 mail accounts.  Common Ground is finally moving into the 21st century with its technology.

Really cool.

6:08:05 PM    

I was back at Common Ground today doing more work on setting up their LAN and loading XP on their machines.  I was quite frustrated with getting their Ricoh 220 copier + printer working on the network until I talked to the leasing companies network guy.  Silly me!  The new router took over DHCP on the LAN and the IP and subnet had changed.  Fixed them up and off it went.  Now everyone has access to everything.

Cool.  I feel like such a geek doing work like this.

6:03:26 PM    

Ooh ooh ooh! [a la Horshack]

And give me a little web-based tool, hosted at userland, that let's me post to my weblog!
8:01:55 AM    

Feature Requests: Mail-to-Weblog

Ok, now that I have a secure way to access Radio from anywhere in the world and post stuff, using Mail-to-Weblog, here are a few feature requests:

  1. Give me some sort of syntax, even XML, to provide a Title and Link for a post.
  2. Give me some sort of syntax to define a set of categories.

And I'd like to echo Mark Pilgrim's requests for a way to edit e-mail posted entries via e-mail.

7:56:23 AM    

Yippee!  Mail-to-weblog is configured and working... now if only I could do title and link elements in the e-mail.... maybe I can.  I'll check it out.  What about categories?  Hmmmm...
7:49:01 AM    

Here's another test post to my weblog. Forgot the secret subject.
7:48:11 AM    

Ok, upstreaming is on...
7:42:35 AM    

Ok, I've configured my mail to weblog setting... am I upstreaming yet?
7:41:37 AM    

I've successfully moved my Radio installation to my home machine... everything seems intact.

Now to set up e-mail posting!

7:36:02 AM