
Scott Johnson / The FuzzyGroup, Feedster / PHP Consulting / Random geeky stuff / I Blog Therefore I Am.

 Monday, May 26, 2003

Not a Lot of Feedster Changes This Week

Even though I've spent much of the long weekend grinding on Feedster related stuff, there won't be many changes for the next week.  Why?  Paranoia.  Let me explain

  1. I made some fairly large scale changes like "move almost all output into a template based, Smarty architecture"
  2. I'm out of the office at OSCOM for most of this week and then following that with some personal business on the weekend following.
  3. Whenever you make any even moderate sized (and these are large) changes to any piece of software and then say "Gee!!! I'll go to a conference" then its like posting a bullseye on your head and saying "Smite Me".  I think not.

Now my online access is limited this week but I did handle remote monitoring with a new toy --

Actually the device isn't the new toy -- I've been a user forever.  Its the php code which checks for incoming messages and then emails back to me the count of the search results as well as the title of the last result.  So while this isn't anywhere as cool as the T-Mobile SideKick that Nosuch carries, it'll do for now.  So from within the conference, provided there's coverage, I should be able to check server health within a few minutes.  Not perfect but not bad either.

So it'll be like a week for a lot of new features to Feedster.  If I get enough of them done today, I can blog the url for the development site.

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