24 November 2002
Technology Stocks to the Rescue? Maybe Not for Long. The recent tech rally is raising hopes that this broad market rebound will keep going, unlike the summer surge that fizzled in late August. New York Times: Technology]
10:28:19 AM  #   your two cents []
Walker in the Wireless City. New York has become host to yet another layer of infrastructure, a random, interlinking constellation of what are called "wireless access points."  [New York Times: Technology] I thought the Times had written this story a few times before, but here's the topic again...
10:27:36 AM  #   your two cents []
The Yakety-Yak Backlash. Cellphones proliferate, and so do opinions on how and where they should be used. [New York Times: Technology]
10:26:24 AM  #   your two cents []
Ezra Pound. "Literature is news that stays news." [Quotes of the Day]
10:25:52 AM  #   your two cents []

Mobility and Blogging [Dan Gillmor's eJournal] Dan points to an interesting article by Justin Hall on The Feature, about what happens when blogs really go mobile. This is a question I'm thinking about now that I have a WAPped and GPRSed PocketPC that means one way or another I could email back to my blog from just about anywhere (except the US, of course, since it is the one place not on the mobile standard used everywhere else!! Boy, does that increasingly annoy me -- even out in the bush in South Africa I could use my mobile -- indeed, got a better signal than in most of rural Ireland).

I think Justin Hall is right -- something new in blogs will emerge as people do more than simply blog conferences that offer them wireless access (say after me: G...P...R...S... and...3...G... Or maybe WiFi will evolve faster, to answer this opportunity). Bernie already files to his blog from out and about Ireland (most often from cafes and pubs, which tells you a lot about Bernie... [grin]) using a Nokia Communicator phone, as you can see on his blog. I'm excited about what this little mobile XDA might enable me to do. The best part is that it frees me from the bulk and weight of a laptop. Also it is just plain darn fun. I figured out how to convert a song to .wav then sample it, then move it to the ringtone file. So my ringtone is now the well known opening notes of California Girls. So if you hear an oddly muffled version of that song coming from a handbag I'm probably somewhere nearby...

10:18:37 AM  #   your two cents []
The World's Most Dangerous Server Room. "Two, ten litre water buckets balanced over the company's mainframe servers - and the backup tapes - oh, and the main routers and switches - oh, and the powerbars for the UPS's." [kuro5hin.org]
10:04:38 AM  #   your two cents []
Charles De Gaulle. "How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?" [Quotes of the Day]
10:02:31 AM  #   your two cents []
The Shifted Librarian has a page of blogged summaries from the blogging and media conference in New Haven.
10:01:48 AM  #   your two cents []