03 July 2003
Laptop Sales Beat Desktops for First Time. Sales of laptop computers in U.S. stores outpaced those of desktop computers for the first time in May, according to a survey.  [New York Times: Technology]
10:28:48 AM  #   your two cents []
I know some doggies (hey, Dexter!) that would be lookin' good in this. But with all those tasty-looking bones, wouldn't they start snapping at themselves? From Boing Boing Blog: Goth dog costume.  At 25 bucks, this goth doggie costume is a steal. Link Discuss

10:27:08 AM  #   your two cents []
The great leap. 60,000 years ago humans were on the brink of extinction. An evolutionary eyeblink later, there are over 6 billion of us. How did we do it?  [Guardian Unlimited]
10:24:52 AM  #   your two cents []

From the Guardian's onlineblog.com: Spam costs $874 per employee per year. IDG reports as follows: Unsolicited commercial e-mail costs US companies $874 per employee per year in lost productivity, according to a report released yesterday from independent research company Nucleus Research Inc. The report, titled "Spam: The Silent ROI Killer," details the results of interviews with employees and IT administrators at 76 US companies. The $874 figure is based on an hourly pay of $30 and a work year of 2,080 hours, Nucleus said. (more here). Comment: What's really amazing is that "The average employee receives 13.3 spam messages each day," according to the report. I thought everybody got at least 50...

10:24:17 AM  #   your two cents []

Oh Danny Boys...: I'm going to the Bay Area next week and none of the Dans I know and like and hoped to meet up with will be around :^(  . Danny O'Brien is heading en famille to Oregon for open sourcing, while Dan Gillmor will be in Europe, where we've also failed several times now to connect (London and Helsinki). And Dave Winer arrives for a few days in the Bay Area (he used to live pretty close to my folks before he went East) on the day that I leave to fly out to Las Vegas for a work conference. All guys I like gabbing with. I told Dan G. that I think we need Journalist Positioning Systems so we can tell where in the world we are located at any one moment -- and find a good nearby restaurant to meet in. I haven't seen Dan G or Dave now in about 2 years, and Danny O. in about one. Alas.

Closer to blogging at home, a reminder to any and all Irish bloggers or people interested in creating a weblog or just interested in hanging out with a bunch of people who do: this Saturday, July 5th, will be an Irish blogging get-together (all nationalities welcome!). We'll be in the Davenport Hotel in Dublin, just off Merrion Square, for about 2pm onwards, in the lounge (just past the registration desk). Come for a late lunch or for pints or coffee or all three. If you are thinking you won't go because you won't know anybody -- few of us knew any of the others when we met up last month and much of the fun was finding out who did what blog. All in all, it's a great chance to meet some people, throw around some ideas, have some craic. So please do come along!!

10:20:57 AM  #   your two cents []
John Stuart Mill. "If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind." [Quotes of the Day]
10:02:27 AM  #   your two cents []
Hackers organize vandalism contest. A call for online vandals to take part in a Web site defacement contest has some companies warning clients to beware over the holiday weekend. [CNET News.com]
9:59:55 AM  #   your two cents []
Wi-Fi Adds to Starbucks Coffers. Starbucks head says Wi-Fi helped sales: No quantitative analysis, but a strong statement.... [Wi-Fi Networking News]
9:58:47 AM  #   your two cents []