04 July 2003
Tomorrow, 2pm, the lounge, Davenport Hotel, Dublin: Irish blogger's social, all invited, come along!!
10:49:29 AM  #   your two cents []

And a happy Fourth of July!! Nothing much on here -- especially as we don't have an American ambassador at the moment. The ambassador always throws the biggest July 4 party in the country, and it's one of the best and most important diplomatic soirees to be invited to, always good fun. But in two of the three years that we have had a Bush-appointee in the ambassadorial post, there's been no party, because the ambassador hasn't actually been in office -- which must set some kind of record, certainly an odd one for this small country that has always had a large relationship with the US of A. In nearly two decades of living here this is the only time I remember anything like this happening -- much less twice.

Instead, today I've been invited along to the American Chamber of Commerce lunch at the Four Seasons, which should be a pleasant if more sedate affair. I won't feel starved of fireworks, though, since we had plenty at the opening and closing Special Olympics ceremonies.

10:29:06 AM  #   your two cents []
Bob Frankston: Hotspots Cold Cells. "The current telecommunications infrastructure has one overriding purpose -- to generate billable events. It is a tragic mistake to assume that this is the only way we can pay for vital infrastructure since it is an extremely inefficient and dysfunctional system that extracts an unbearable cost on society." [Tomalak's Realm]
10:14:14 AM  #   your two cents []
Rethinking privacy protection and Big Brother. Security expert Kevin Hanrahan says privacy advocates are focusing on the wrong issue regarding new federal regulations on managing client confidentiality and corporate governance. [CNET News.com]
10:12:45 AM  #   your two cents []
Microsoft Eases Licensing Under Pressure From U.S.. Microsoft is being forced to make it easier and less expensive for industry competitors and partners to license technical information.  [New York Times: Technology]
10:08:38 AM  #   your two cents []