22 July 2003

OK, I finally decided to be a grown up and I bought a domain name and got a hosting deal. It's only taken me, oh, since the advent of the internet, when I could have had just about any domain I darn well wanted, but never bothered to apply for one! As opposed to now, when one is left with choices like sjdhfsjkf.com or edshcasdfh.org. Actually, I got what I wanted, pretty much. All to be revealed once I have time to upload, create subdomains, and geek about some more.

And yes, I know I promised some more computer pics and I'll do those first thing tomorrow morning. Too much work today and I don;t feel like fiddling about with the images folder at the moment.

11:10:32 PM  #   your two cents []

Farewell, St Jude: Ultimate geek girl and leading Cypherpunk Jude Milhon has passed on to that great virtual world in the sky, dying July 19th from cancer. She was a well known hacker, digital rights advocate, programmer and supporter of women in technology, beginning a career as a programmer in 1967 after teaching herself Fortran from a book. You can read more about her here or have a read about her (in)famous book promoting sex for geek girls, Hacking the Wetware: the NerdGirl's Pillow Book, here. I like her comments a few years ago to a Wired news reporter:

Women may not be great at physical altercations, but we sure excel at rapid-fire keyboarding.We should look at the Internet as the life-skills school so many of us girls never attended, and get out there and learn to conquer our fears of not being nice enough, not being polite enough, not being strong enough, not being pretty enough, or smart enough or anything enough.

Amen to that.

10:58:04 PM  #   your two cents []