05 July 2003

A good gathering of Irish bloggers this afternoon in Dublin; about 20 coming and going during the time I was there and lots of LiveJournalists and others still talking when I ditched out to go home and pack for travel tomorrow. Bernie made it eventually! Thanks all who showed; we'll try a date in mid-August or so next. Did people prefer Saturday to a school night? :^)

Tomorrow I hit the road; first California (Menlo Park) then Las Vegas. I am attempting to stick Radio up on iDisk on my Mac.com account. I'd access it through Windows as I have the Win version but think I can host the application and the desktop out on the Mac.com servers and thus, file while travelling (a problem for me as my home DSL usually disconnects after a few days so it doesn't do much good to keep the app running on the desktop). Anyone tried this? I assume it's the same as hosting the application on another server. I guess I'll find out pretty quickly if I'm wrong, and you won't be reading anything for a stretch on this site!! I have a feeling Bernie and Antoin will have ideas about this... [grin].

11:57:29 PM  #   your two cents []