My laptop's disk let me down yesterday. It's now full of bad blocks. This prevented me from posting for most of yesterday's afternoon. I've managed to keep current bad blocks in check, and restored a working system partition, but this may not hold for long.
Once they have gained a large enough beachhead, it gets difficult to repel a bad blocks invasion.
Anyway, the second part of yesterday's
System And Network Monitoring tutorial at the Usenix conference was focused on monitoring packages such as MRTG, Cricket, BigBrother and their ilk, plus what John Sellens call a case study. More on those tools in my upcoming SNMP OPML resources directory.
John is a real SNMP-head. He's written a very simple open source utility, Thresh, to leverage SNMP for system monitoring. I like Thresh because you can see John's experience as a sysadmin through it. It is very 'real world' oriented.
What I think John's presentation lacks is proper focus on security: to my liking, he is not paranoïd enough. More on this subject in my next post.
10:48:38 AM
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]