[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.] s l a m

Click to see the XML version of this web page. rss 2.0

updated: 3/20/04; 5:36:51 PM.

activeRenderer Version 1.4 Released

Now Renders RSS Feeds - Includes New Outline Browser

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]


Wednesday, October 2, 2002
> First Of Month

Jake Savin reports on the first-of-month Radio bug fix. [via Scripting News]

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 7:50:24 PM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

> Tracking activeRenderer

Thanks to Mike Cannon-Brookes, the activeRenderer project is now hosted at Atlassian JIRA.

You can browse the project's current issues, and the roadmap ahead.

You can even become part of the activeRenderer project by registering, then voting for your pet bug's fixing or opening new issues.

JIRA is a terrific software for tracking development issues over the Internet. Commercial licenses are available to set up a JIRA server on your intranet, and the best piece of news is : they are cheap.

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 6:46:18 PM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

> Playing With liveTopics - Part I - Addendum

In a comment to my previous tutorial on liveTopics features, Blaine Wishart asks pointedly how I can explain the difference between the left sidebar on s l a m's home page and the same sidebar on the archive page for Sept. 30th (the day of its publication).

Well Blaine, I reckon it is a bit confusing, yet the explanation is real simple.

You see, the #homeTemplate.txt stored directly in the www folder of my Radio installation *does* include the call to the liveTopics macro as I showed:

<%liveTopicsHotButtons( howMany:50, flDisplayInColumn:true )%>
This is the template directly responsible for the layout of s l a m's home page.

But the archived pages are stored in a different folder hierarchy within the www folder. The file rendered as the Sept. 30th archive is stored in the 09 subfolder of the 2002 folder.

It just so happens that this 09 folder has a different version of the #homeTemplate.txt file, one without the call to the liveTopics macro.

By default, the month and year folders do not include any template files, so the rendering is done using the *top* template in www.

But I repost the content of my site once in a while, specially when I crash my Radio installation after tinkering a little too far with UserLand's code.

If I didn't archive the templates about once a month in the months folders, all my archived pages would have the latest layout when I repost them.

I'd rather keep their original layout, hence the monthly templates duplication from the current ones in www. This is all manual btw, no Frontier tools involved :-)

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 6:20:09 PM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

> Radio Preferences

An interesting wish from Al Macintyre in Don Strickland's RadioFAQ:

Recent Radio Discussion Group Posts indicate that there is a very high risk of newbies trying to follow current instructions for adjusting the code in Prefs, and getting error messages that are unintelligible to them.  If Radio Userland is ever to be marketed successfully to a large mass of computer users, this is a problem in need of a solution.  I can see that one of two solution approaches is needed:
  • Plug In Tools be developed in which the end user keys in the name of what is to be inserted, and its url, similar to how we handle adding a link in an editing box, or add a subscription to News Aggregation.  This might have to be a subset of a particular standard Theme, because of placement on the left or right side of the screen.
    • I think this is probably the more practical of the two approaches that I can think of.
  • Wherever an error message could show up on user screen, add a trouble shooting button.  This would capture the text of the error message, the actual code that it was reacting to, the location of the scenario (specific Prefs from user perspective and www folder path name), then take the user to some Help resource that analyses the kind of stuff that might lead to this error.
    • Experienced XML programmers would not need the trouble shooting button.  The error message, and them carefully checking their code leads them to see what mistake they made.
    • Intermediate XML programmers would need the FAQ about XML programming to help them see what are the most common human misconceptions that might occur here.
    • Beginner XML programmers might need to continue posting questions to the Radio Discussion Group Forum
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 5:55:24 PM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]


radioScan titles, or full text search:

how this works

October 2002
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
    1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28 29 30 31    
Sep   Nov

 alvin borromeo
 Developing for Radio

© copyright 2004
by Marc Barrot

member of

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