[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.] s l a m

Click to see the XML version of this web page. rss 2.0

updated: 3/20/04; 5:38:12 PM.

activeRenderer Version 1.4 Released

Now Renders RSS Feeds - Includes New Outline Browser

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]


Thursday, October 31, 2002
> activeRenderer, Gems and Outlines

When I met Donovan for drinks at the Mark Hopkins in SF (wow, it's already two weeks ago, seems like yesterday), he came up with an excellent suggestion for improving the way activeRenderer handles its 'outlines' folder hierarchy.

He is obviously not the only one to have thought about it, since Thomas sent me an email along the same lines this morning.

Currently, when you create an OPML outline in a subfolder of the gems folder, it is copied - for rendering purposes - directly at the root of the 'outlines' folder, regardless of the subfolders hierarchy you created under 'gems'.

This makes the 'outlines' folder look like an unorganized mess after a while -I'm looking at mine right now :-/

It also prevents from rendering and upstreaming to different sites, using different versions of '#upstream.xml' for separate subfolders.

So, the next version of activeRenderer will mirror under 'outlines' the subfolder hierarchy found under 'gems'. So as not to break anything, it will also maintain the OPML file at the root of 'outlines' if it finds it there already.

I was targeting the release of aR 1.3 for tomorrow, but that was a little too optimistic, images inclusion proves harder than expected: finding the proper width of the page element in which the image is inserted is a very tricky business under MSIE (as usual, Mozilla is clean :-).

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 11:37:25 AM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]

> Paolo and His Webcam

As someone who has met Paolo 'live' and in 'realtime', I can testify that he is a much funnier fellow that what his latest Evocam experiments suggest :-)

[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]  Permalink 10:26:49 AM .
[Macro error: Can't call the script because the name "liveTopicsSuite" hasn't been defined.]


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