Ernie the Attorney : searching for truth & justice (in an unjust world)
Updated: 6/5/2003; 10:52:15 PM.


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Thursday, August 15, 2002

Of the 'Net & Microsoft -  Larry Ellison was interviewed in Playboy.  What's the most important change heralded by the Net? He said: "Unbelievably cheap global communication.  I can send any form of data from here to Beijing for next to nothing.  Data can be anything: numbers, words, pictures, movies, music, live communication.  The implications of that are far more profound than any one of us can fathom."  What about Microsoft's effort to take over the 'Net?  Ellison said: "Almost every company is building applications on Internet standards as opposed to Microsoft standards.  Microsoft is late to the party.  That doesn't mean that they won't keep making a lot of money selling Office and Windows, but they are having a difficult time co-opting the Internet and converting it into the Microsoft version of the Internet.  Microsoft, if they could, would co-opt English.  Bill would explain why MS English is better than English and he'd make it available to everyone at a low cost.  By the time he finished talking, a dollar for Microsoft per conversation would seem reasonable.  To have this conversation, we'd have to send Bill a dollar."

12:49:45 PM    

A Music & Book Review Blog - yep, and a pretty impressive one too.  Check out blogcritics, especially if you like down & dirty reviews of music and books by non-advertising supported critics.  You can sign up to review stuff too if you want.

12:04:09 PM    

Clint Eastwood could star in this movie - it would be called the Class Actions of Madison County.  Southern Illinois, that is.  And apparently a place with just the right sort of judicial ecosystem to foster the successful breeding of class actions.

11:26:33 AM    

Does Clinton cheat at golf? - Okay, that's a set up line to a thousand jokes.  But Stuart Buck has a brief post based on a true event.  As an aside, I didn't know that Stuart was from Rogers, AK; that's more or less where my wife is from.

11:22:12 AM    

Can TiVo Go Prime Time? - Rick asks this question, points to some info and discloses that he's a rabid fan.  So am I.  And I was bummed when a power surge blew out my TIVO modem.  But I googled the web and found this place, where I sent it off to be repaired.  Oh, and to have an additional 90 GB harddrive added.  Interesting place if you are a TIVO owner (repairs or not).  I'll leave it at that.

11:18:35 AM    

Godzilla vs. Davezilla - let's not get too worked up over this thing.  If you want some straight scoop from a real life trademark lawyer, see this post by Martin Schwimmer.

11:14:21 AM    

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