PopTech - this is going to be a great conference, and fortunately I'll be able to attend after all. Here is the blog set up just for the conference.
6:10:47 PM
Great Legal Scholars for 200 please - Okay, what great legal scholar said the following?
The values of a reasonably just society will reflect themsleves in a reasonably just law. The better the society, the less law there will be. In Heaven there will be no law, and the lion will lie down with the lamb. The values of an unjust society will reflect themselves in an unjust law. The worse the society, the more law there will be. In Hell there will be nothing but law, and due process will be meticulously observed.
And for extra credit write a brief essay explaining whether our legal system is closer to Heaven or Hell, and explain your conclusion. (Henry Gabriel you are exempt from this since you are the one that sent me the quote and then told me who said it when I told you I didn't know)
5:50:57 PM
Jenny, Jenny, Jenny...it's good to see you again - I'm so happy to have Jenny Levine back in the blogosphere. She was my blog-mentor when I got started, and I've been missing her greatly. But she's back, after a serious computer crisis.
5:27:19 PM
Personal Jurisdiction - is the long arm of the law getting longer? - Denise Howell has a great article on personal jurisdiction and a recent California case that has the possibility of tweaking the law in this area. The Internet is a non-spatial world, but we live in a spatial one. That dichotomy will perhaps create difficulties for formulating sound legal rules for personal jurisdiction.
5:21:04 PM
Fool me once shame on ...[lengthy pause] - I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one to notice our Prez make a fool out of himself, but if you didn't see it mosey over here to Dave Weinberger's site for the links to the video feed so you can see it for yourself.
5:09:05 PM
Fair warning - I'm planning on ditching the law headlines page. I don't know that it serves anyone's need, and though it doesn't take a lot of time to put together, it does take just enough that I have found myself not doing it lately. Basically I haven't been updating it in the past week or so, and I haven't heard any grumbles so....going once, going twice...
2:08:57 PM
They like to watch - "We have 100 percent coverage of peer-to-peer file sharing," Ishikawa claims. "If you are illegally sharing copyrighted materials, we know who you are." And who is Ishikawa? He's CEO of BayTSP, a company that helps companies find illegal file-swappers, and is supposedly helping the government locate terrorists. And, surprisingly, for a guy who is being paid handsomely by entertainment companies, he's not a fan of the DMCA. Why? Read the Cringely article. (Thanks Marty for bringing this to my attention)
1:50:13 PM
Quantum Logic - "The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth." Niels Bohr