If you're one of the brave few tasked with corralling and removing spam within your organization, you of course have my sympathies. After spending some time with our Lab manager, Ron Anderson for an audio show recording, it became very clear to me that there is no straight forward answer to the spam problem -- particularly from an IT professional's perspective. So when one of our Technical Editors passed along what appears to be a great spam filter package, I felt I should share it here.
Developed by Eric Raymond, Bogofilter represents a more "logical" solution relative to existing products that sort spam based upon signatures and tell-tale signs. His software, which utilizes Bayesian statistics to find the most "probable" spam offenders, is based upon an idea first proposed by Paul Graham in his paper, "A Plan for Spam." It looks very promising. If any of you have tried this out, let me and your fellow readers know.
Posted by Brad Shimmin at 11:58:14 PM