Hi everyone. I'm pleased to bring you an entirely redesigned www.networkcomputing.com. As with any site refit, we've revamped our page templates and re-organized our home page to help you more easily locate and more fully utilize site content.
On our home page, for example, you'll notice a number of contextual boxes, which will help you quickly access our most recent offerings within specific technologies and story types (reviews, workshops, etc.).
Such modifications are easily realized and hopefully beneficial. But in this case, they merely hint at a much deeper change that will usher in much greater innovations. This change, an endeavor that has spanned the past six months for us, is quite simply an entirely new content management and content delivery system.
First we dropped our flat-file HTML system in favor of a database-driven content management solution from Interwoven (TeamSite). With this system in hand, we're able to now categorize our stories based upon a multi-tiered taxonomy, containing hundreds of technology and business categories.
Second, we removed our aging perl-driven content delivery system and replaced it with the Java servlet-based server, ATG Dynamo. We're already using this system to allow you to set up a profile that our server can use to remember where you were in working with our forums and quizzes, for instance.
With this personalization/delivery system and our taxonomy-based content now in hand, we'll be bringing you a host of new site capabilities, built upon the following three ideals.
- All content organized by time, type, technology area and business need.
- All content delivered via RSS, Weblog, Newsletter, Avantgo, etc.
- All content organized and delivered contextually and personally
So stay tuned as we begin to realize these three objectives. For now, we hope you find our redesign helpful. To that end, we'd love to hear from you. Please tell us what you think we've done well and where you think we could improve.
Best regards,
Bradley F. Shimmin