Good Links:
The Long Bet - whatta a great site and what a great concept. There are some very intriguing bets.
Baseball Immortals - the great Peter Gammons thinks this is an absolute MUST baseball site. He checks it every morning. The presentation is pretty bland but the content is excellent. This will be a great help to my roto team the Arctic Wool Sox
Osama's Bin Bloggin - The name says it all.
The graphic below is an accurate representation:

Stupid Steph Tricks #1
I have this little, very cute if I do say so myself, fleece ski hat to which I've added lots of ski pins. One of the pins is a Bugs Bunny pin with a very long stabby part. The stabby part is so sharp and so long that it pushed through its little metal stopper thing and ended up exposed next to my head.
Yesterday, while wearing my now dangerous hat, I whacked my head - hard. I did an excellent job of stabbing myself in the head and boy did it hurt. But even better - as I was rubbing my head, I felt a sudden gush of blood - lots and lots of blood. I scooted upstairs to the bathroom trying not to bleed all over the carpet. When I looked in the mirror, I started laughing - the blood had dyed my blonde hair red - a very questionable looking red. I looked like my Dad when he gave himself a cheap dye job a few years ago. Fortunately after much washing, the "David Kesler Red" went away and the bleeding stopped.
I've removed the Bugs pin from my hat.
9:53:30 PM