Adventures in Technology: Episode #1
John and Steph attempt to install an 802.11b Wireless Access Point
Below are three pictures that are a sterling example of highly qualified technical folks in action! John Barnhardt and I are installing a cable modem and an 802.11b wireless access point at work (location will remain nameless).
First of all, we have to find an active coax cable. Check out the rats nest!

Next we need to configure the Access Point. At first everything was going well. Doesn't John look professional? I think he should send this picture to his mother.

However, things went South quickly. We could not get the wireless access point to talk the DHCP server. So we decamped to a known environment where we could continue to debug. For all you non-technical folks that think we techies always know what we're doing, this picture should debunk that myth. Note our very non-professional sprawl on the floor (by the way, I think I look like a boy in this picture):

As of this writing, John and I did not achieve success. We will continue to persevere. We're going to call in the big gun - Chris Erickson. He should be able to get this puppy up and running.
5:19:34 PM