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Saturday, March 23, 2002

What is at stake?

I have done my citizenly duty at the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary's site, which seeks input on the Hollings nonsense:

Q. What is at stake for Content Creators, Providers and Users?

A. What is at stake? Let's first question the question: Why should the free and liberal play of our living intellect and imagination upon previously created works of intellect, imagination and aesthetic creation cause anything to be "at stake"?

The only stake, it seems, is the one put there by the industrial parasites who, barren of fertile genius themselves, have arrogated to themselves the role, formerly belonging to nature, man and god, of ownership of the works of the human mind and heart.

The only stake I can possibly imagine for these pornographic middlemen of the soul is the one the Internet has locked, loaded, and aimed at the drywell of their hearts. Will someone in this crowded theater please say, "Fire"?

5:55:30 PM    

Knowledge about your brain is unavailable
...psychologists report that electrical activity in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)--an area tucked into the crease between the two cerebral hemispheres--registers financial wins and losses as people play a gambling game. The authors believe this brain activity may represent an immediate emotional reaction to the outcomes. The findings add a twist to theories on the role of the ACC and may provide insight into how decisions are swayed by emotion.
Interesting story. I'd read it, but there's a problem. It's in Science Online. Only, this science is not online for you, unless you pay the $5 ''pay-per-view'' access fee. Perhaps the service could usefully be renamed ScienceMania Online.

2:29:17 PM    

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