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Wednesday, March 27, 2002

TWO thousand years ago, on the Bay of Naples, on the outskirts of the luxurious seaside resort of Herculaneum, stood one of the grandest houses of the Roman world....the villa may still of the greatest cultural treasures of all time.

If this sounds like a good story - which it is - you may be forgiven for wondering why you have never heard it. And it is, indeed, a curious feature of our modern media that, despite the explosion in the quantity of newsprint and the number of television channels available, most of what is pumped out is celebrity trivia, with as much long-term importance as the lifespan of a passing mayfly. recently used multi-spectral imaging to successfully recover text from carbonized scrolls that were buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius...  Herculaneum Project

How enormous if lost works of Aeschylus or Aristotle were to turn up. But, given the black hole of our Mass Media, how will we know? Given the fog surrounding American millionaires, who will care? Thanks to Kevin Marks for the heads up.

8:37:51 AM    

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