Monday, January 20, 2003

Keeping the Blues Alive. Filmmaker Martin Scorsese and some of his associates are raising the curtain on a dandy project about the blues. By Bob Herbert. [New York Times: Opinion]

Now this is something to look forward to. 

The United States Senate has declared (with unintended irony) that 2003 is the "Year of the Blues." It has urged the president to issue a proclamation to that effect.

That's a fucking joke.  The "president" wouldn't know the blues if it crawled up his ass and bit him on the heart.

In his book "Deep Blues," Robert Palmer described a visit he made in 1979 to the Mississippi Delta home of Joe Rice Dockery

"Deep Blues" is, by a long shot, the best book on the subject ever written.  Warning: if you're short on walking-around money, hide your piggybank, because the discography in the back of this book is to die for.

Say What? [] 5:30:59 PM  Permalink