Thursday, January 23, 2003

Ebert on Masked and Anonymous

Well, the first review of this thing is in, and it (both the review and it sounds like the movie) are about what I feared they'd be. (Steve's No Direction Home Page)

Shit, Bob - I've heard of "phoning it in", but this sounds like a nightmare.

Say What? [] 11:21:45 PM  Permalink  

RSS Moves Even More Mainstream. JD Lasica (Online Journalism Review): News that comes to you. Instead of the hunt and peck of Web surfing, you... [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]

Thank you Mr. Gillmor. This leads to an in-depth piece on RSS news feeds. A great resource for bloggers. (Note to Steve, don't miss this one)

Say What? [] 10:51:05 PM  Permalink  

Song du Jour

The Death of Emmit Till  by Bob Dylan.   Freewheeling outtake, 1963.

Say What? [] 2:45:06 PM  Permalink  

this is cool. It's obvious why this page is number one on daypop today.
[Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]
Say What? [] 12:03:16 AM  Permalink