Updated: 3/4/2003; 11:17:42 PM.
A solution (in progress) for deep quotability in hypertext (aka granular addressability).

Friday, February 14, 2003

Comment on AWCT Submission: "Since the originator of the annotation does not have to be the originator of the document, trust becomes an important issue for applications of this technique."

This is not a problem for PurpleSlurple, as you always have recourse to the original. Click the "Comment on AWCT Submission" link above to see what I mean.

3:06:10 PM    comment []

Deep Quotability in Hypertext Returns

Ted Nelson says: "The most important thing is to re-introduce the concept
of deep quotability to hypertext
,"and he implores: "Markup must not be embedded."

The PurpleSlurple solution addresses both of those issues and in so doing unlocks millions of text documents making it possible to HYPERLINK TO ANY LINE OF ANY DOCUMENT (and soon quotation in any part).

Point the PurpleSlurple form at a text file (http or ftp accessible).

Here's a sample (if you don't have a text file handy).

12:29:54 AM    comment []

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