Updated: 3/4/2003; 11:17:43 PM.
A solution (in progress) for deep quotability in hypertext (aka granular addressability).

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Having Purple Numbers and Eating Them Too

Some comments regarding this thread on YAK: http://collab.blueoxen.net/forums/tools-yak/2003-02/threads.html#00010

If we transcode the page then the user gets to pick the presentation format and change it if/as they see fit. There is no reason that we need to choose whether we put Purple numbers at paragraphs or lines (we could in fact specify any range, every character if we wanted to).

So a user can choose to hide/show the Purple numbers, place Purple numbers at the beginning or end of paragraphs or lines, and use numbers or any other character or image to represent the links. All on the fly if we transcode the page.

Transcoding takes the onus of Purplizing off the page designer and gives the end user the freedom to pick and choose as the task or preferences dictate. Source documents need no embedded markup, but we can do markup too.

Still some unaddressed issues here, but let's ruminate for the moment on what we can do, not what isn't currently being done.

10:30:14 AM    comment []

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