Saturday, November 6, 2004

Post-election thoughts

Here are some good post-election thoughts.

A different look at the map of election results which takes into account the poplulations of the red/blue counties instead of just painting them as if each county has the same electoral weight. A friend of mine offered some consolation last week by saying that it is not true, as the press are saying, that the country is all conservative. These maps illustrate that in a way that the CNN and USAToday maps don't, and they take some of the sting out of the election results.

Some remarkable thoughts about the electoral defeat (defeat as seen from the point of view of progressives, of course) by John Perry Barlow. He is humble and apologetic without backing off an inch from his heartfelt principles. His words would make a good model for progressives to (1) get over it, and (2) retool for the next election.

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