Monday, November 8, 2004

Mr. Trudy

It was dark. The time had only changed a week or two before, so the darkness outside made it feel late. But it only 8:00pm.

The man was in the bedroom packing his bags for another trip. The boy was on his computer writing a paper. And Trudy was on her computer. She had started out checking the weather online, but something else had caught her eye.

The phone rang, and then it rang again. In the bedroom, the man stooped over to pick it up, but before he could, she answered it from the computer room. He stood back up to fold a flannel shirt.

Hello? Trudy said.

From the delay, she could tell it was a solicitation.

Hello? she repeated.

Hello, a man said from the other end. Is ... Mr. Trudy there?

Oh gosh I'm sorry, Trudy said, You must have the wrong number.

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