Tuesday, February 8, 2005

Filling Brandon's Silence

Brandon was gone. The band had to play without him and several other students who were not in class that day. There was some kind of testing going on, and the jazz band was notably thin.

The thing is: Brandon had a guitar solo.

Still, you have to practice with the band you've got, so the band played on. And when they got to the place where Brandon should have played, as they prepared to count out the measures in silence instead, a kid in the middle of the band stood up.

Behind the saxophones and in front of the trumpets, he stood up in place of Brandon and played his horn. He played Brandon's solo on his trombone while all the others looked at him in surprise. And then he sat down.

And the band played on, again.

This is the story as it was told to me. I wish I could have been there.

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