Sunday, February 13, 2005

Town Lake

How cruel the winter gray had become -- yesterday. But one cycle of the sun and the winter has taken on a different personality. This morning, the sun burned thru yesterday's gray, and breezes hinting at a coming spring blew the remnants away.

The blue sky was reflected in the water of the lake downtown. Kayaks and rowing teams worked their way up- and downstream, coached by a man with a blow-horn standing up in his small motor boat as they prepared to make another sprint.

Joggers and walkers made their way along the trail in the sun with their iPods and baby strollers and happy dogs with panting tongues. Some were sweating. Some were smiling. Some were straining as they took each step.

On a stage in a grassy field, a band played out tunes (Beatles, Doobie Brothers, Johnny Cash, ...). Recovering runners soaked up the sun at the end of their 26.2 miles, happy to just sit and listen and eat and drink, happy for the sun.

And a mallard duck chased away a swan from his place by the shore under the blue in the shining sun along the green banks of the park along the lake. They chased along the shore. They chased across to the other side. They took to the air with wingtips grazing the water and running feet splashing.

What a difference one day can make.

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