Thursday, February 17, 2005

Milton Glaser

A nail stuck out from the woodwork on the wall at the bottom of the stairs. The wallpaper was worn and wrinkled. The paint was cracked. An old box of miscellaneous things sat on the steps, halfway up, where it might have been sitting for a very long time. Some papers and what looked like an old discarded shoe (although it was hard to tell for sure) sat on the step immediately below.

The building was old. The stairway was narrow. The boards creaked as a man with a rainbow colored scarf took hold of the railings on each side.

None of us had the ability to understand our path until it's over, he said.

He reached the top of the stairs, turned to look back down the stairway. Then he disappeared thru a door, leaving behind him that paint and that box and those papers and that nail. Leaving behind him the golden sunlight pouring in thru a window.

QT film by Hillman Curtis about Milton Glaser (I <heart> NY)

(Hat tip: Creative Bits)

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